Reuters: US to discuss with Germany the deployment of ABM systems THAAD

Reuters: US to discuss with Germany the deployment of ABM systems THAAD TASS, June 1 — Agency Sources say that the official reason for the placement of the system will be protection of the region from ballistic missiles of Iran. The United States to discuss the German question on the possible deployment on its territory the U.S. missile defense system THAAD. This was reported on Friday the Reuters Agency, citing informed sources. According to them, officially, the motive for this step is the need to strengthen the security of Europe from the threat from ballistic missiles of Iran. However, Reuters notes that the possible deployment of THAAD in Europe may cause new tensions in relations between the West and Russia, which opposes deployment of U.S. missile defense in Europe. In addition, negotiations on the possible deployment of the THAAD system conducted amid growing tension in the relations between Russia and

“Kommersant” has found out the name of the Soviet pilot, went missing in Afghanistan 30 years ago

“Kommersant” has found out the name of the Soviet pilot, went missing in Afghanistan 30 years ago Today the head of the Union of paratroopers of Russia Valery Vostrotin told “RIA Novosti” that the Soviet pilot, went missing during the war in Afghanistan, was found alive. His name is Mr. Vorotilkin did not name, citing privacy requirements. Another interviewee of the Agency said that the pilot was shot down in 1987. Sergey pantelyuk supposedly lived previously in the city Bataisk Rostov region. In Afghanistan he served in the 263-th separate reconnaissance squadron of the air force. His su-17 27 October 1987 took off from the Bagram airfield and was allegedly shot down out of MANPADS within 180 km northeast of Bagram. The plane and the pilot was never found. The name of Sergei Pantelyuka with the caption “missing” listed on the plaque of graduates of the school of Zernograd No.

Media: the head of Dutch foreign Ministry is surprised by statements of Malaysia in the case of the crash of flight MH17

Media: the head of Dutch foreign Ministry is surprised by statements of Malaysia in the case of the crash of flight MH17 The HAGUE, 1 June. /TASS/ Stef Blok said that in the near future contact with his Malaysian colleague, Anthony loke. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий The Minister of foreign Affairs of the Netherlands Stef Blok expressed surprise at the statement by the Minister of transport of Malaysia Anthony loke on the absence of convincing evidence of responsibility of Russia for the Downing of the Malaysian Boeing 777 in the East of Ukraine. This was reported in the Friday newspaper the Telegraph. The unit drew attention to the fact that the Minister was appointed only recently. He also promised to contact the new Malaysian counterpart once it is assigned. If you are a Minister, you receive a lot of information. We work closely with Malaysia. This country has all the data, so this

Italy’s new government was sworn in

Italy’s new government was sworn in ROME, 1 Jul — RIA Novosti, Alexander Logunov. The new government of Italy led by lawyer Giuseppe Conte on Friday took the oath of allegiance to the Republic at the Quirinal Palace in the presence of the President, Sergio Mattarella. The Ministers and the Prime Minister vowed to serve Italy and have signed the appropriate oath. From the moment of taking the oath the government shall be considered valid. The live broadcast of the ceremony led channel RaiNews24. After the ceremony, Conte will go to the government Palace Chigi, to take powers from his predecessor Paolo Gentiloni. Traditionally, the former Prime Minister will give him a bell with which the head of the Cabinet opens and closes the meetings of the Council of Ministers. It is expected that the discussion and vote in Parliament on the issue of confidence in the government Conte will

The European Union challenged the import duty USA to the WTO

The European Union challenged the import duty USA to the WTO BRUSSELS, 1 June. /TASS/ — the European Commissioner for trade Cecilia Malmstrom said that the United States decision to impose duties on products from the EU would weaken transatlantic cooperation. The EU challenged the US decision to impose duties on products from countries of the community in the framework of the world trade organization (WTO). This was stated at a press conference in Brussels, the European Commissioner for trade Cecilia Malmstrom. “The EU today challenge the US tariff to the WTO,” she said. In addition, the EU encourages all countries in respect of which the U.S. imposed duties on metals, to challenge this decision in the WTO. “I urge all countries that suffered from the duties of States to take measures to the WTO,” — said Malmstrom. The Commissioner added that the United States decision to impose duties on

Nebesa accused the US of trying to rewrite the foundations of the middle East settlement

Permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia © Valery sharifulin/TASS UN, June 2. /TASS/. The United States made another attempt to revise the international legal framework for settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. This was stated on Friday, Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia at the meeting of the Security Council after it had been rejected the American draft resolution condemning attacks on Israel from the Gaza strip. According to Nebenzu, the Russian side was ready to agree “with some provisions” of the US-proposed draft resolution. “We certainly recognize Israel’s right to security. Our vote is due to the fact that the USA was another attempt to revise the international legal framework for a middle East settlement. In addition, it spells out elements that do not correspond to the position of Russia”, – said the diplomat.

Maxim Oreshkin told about the tense situation in the WTO because of the United States

Maxim Oreshkin told about the tense situation in the WTO because of the United States The U.S. position in international trade led to a tense situation in the world trade organization (WTO), “which is not visible.” This was stated by the Minister of economic development of Russia Maxim Oreshkin. The Russian Minister recalled that the last discussion in the WTO was against the introduction of U.S. tariffs on aluminum and steel from the European Union, Canada and Mexico. “Coming, just a few days, negotiations will begin between the US and China, and again from the USA was made very hard statements against China”, — quotes Mr. TASS. “So the atmosphere here is so negative, alarming, bearing a very large risks for the global economic dynamics over the coming quarters and years,” he added. According to Oreshkin, all countries were in favor of strict adherence to the principles of the WTO.

Media: Pentagon wants to upgrade the plane “judgment day”

Media: Pentagon wants to upgrade the plane “judgment day” MOSCOW, 1 Jul — RIA Novosti. The Ministry of defense is going to proceed with the modernization of the Boeing E-4B, also known as the plane “judgment day”, reports RT with reference to the relevant contract. The Pentagon is seeking a contractor who will develop software and will provide the Board a modern nuclear and communication systems. The company-the contractor will conduct flight tests of the upgraded systems that are needed to correct problems not discovered during ground checks. Employees who will be engaged in the support and modernization of the ship must have access to the highest level of secrecy. It is expected that the modernization project will start in early 2019. The plane “doomsday” for the US President, defense Minister and other members of American senior management. It can be used as a command post in the face of

Trump called the fabrication “Russian business”

Trump called the fabrication “Russian business” Moscow. June 1. INTERFAX.RU — U.S. President Donald trump on Friday called the case a fabrication about the alleged collusion between members of his campaign and representatives of the Russian government, noting that this investigation has already cost the US $17 million. “AP (Associated Press) has just reported that fabricated by the Russian investigation of the cost of our administration is already in $17 million, and this figure is growing rapidly”, — the President wrote in his microblog on “Twitter”. “No conspiracy was not, (the agreement was — if) only between the Democrats,” trump added. Spectacular USA Robert Mueller is conducting an investigation of alleged Russian interference in the elections in 2016, and possible relations campaign headquarters of the President of trump with Moscow. Russia rejects accusations of meddling in the American elections. HelpWhat you need to know about the investigation of the relations

Nebesa: the West refused to promote its draft resolution on Syria

Russia’s envoy to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS TASS, 1 June. Western countries refused to promote the UN Security Council its draft resolution, which covers all three aspects of the Syrian settlement – the political process, humanitarian situation and the chemical disarmament of the country. This was stated to journalists on Friday, Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia at a press conference on the occasion of the beginning of Russia’s presidency in the security Council.