Zakharov: NATO countries at the summit will scare Russia to increase defense spending

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, July 10. /TASS/. The increase in defense spending, which will discuss the participants of the opening on Wednesday of the NATO summit in Brussels, again, obviously, will be associated with the protection of the “Russian threat”, while the allies should deal with the real challenges, primarily terrorism. This opinion was expressed by the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova radio station “Kommersant FM” on Tuesday.

The Minister for the Olympics, with knowledge of Japanese

The Minister for the Olympics, with knowledge of Japanese What is known, the new British foreign Secretary Jeremy hunt. New British foreign Minister Jeremy hunt, appointed on the eve is a retired Boris Johnson, has no diplomatic experience and has never publicly criticized the policy of Moscow. However, he loves to study Asian languages and advocated the preservation of the maximum relations with the European Union after the “Breccia”. “Kommersant” has gathered the most interesting fact about the man who yesterday was the Minister of health, today became Minister of foreign Affairs. Of previous work Until yesterday, Jeremy hunt was the Minister of health of great Britain. This post he held for six years (since 2012) that became a record — even a single head of the British Ministry of health had not remained in this position for so long. The British Prime Minister, Theresa may, even joked about it.

The Kremlin will wait for “political enlightenment” of the British government

The Kremlin will wait for “political enlightenment” of the British government Moscow. July 10. INTERFAX.RU IN the Kremlin expect “political enlightenment” in the British leadership on the issue of relations with Russia, as well as clarification on the incident with the poisoning Skipala and the ensuing events, said the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий “You know that recently President Putin talked about the fact that, certainly, sooner or later this page (the current relations between Russia and the UK — if) necessary to turn. We expect, say, political enlightenment in the UK in this regard”, — he told reporters. Of course, we still, sooner or later, expect any clear explanations or arguments on the recent situation in Salisbury and the situation that followed.Dmitry Pescovitz Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation He said that the contribution of the resigned from the post of British foreign Secretary

Sands linked critical words of the US Senator about the Russian Russophobic pressure and stereotypes

Sands linked critical words of the US Senator about the Russian Russophobic pressure and stereotypes MOSCOW, July 10. /TASS/ — the statement of the American parliamentarian “difficult to understand”, said the press Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation. In the Kremlin explained the critical statements of us Senator John Kennedy, compared the government with the mafia, with Russophobic pressure within the United States and stereotypes about Russia. This was stated to journalists the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. We don’t wear pink glasses and are well aware how the American political establishment is in thrall to stereotypes and Russophobic under terrible internal pressure.Dmitry Pescovitz Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation A Kremlin spokesman also said that the Senator’s words “hard to understand”, especially without considering the context in which they were spoken. Earlier, Kennedy, who recently visited Russia, said that the cooperation with the

More than half of the regions supported the draft pension reform

© Alexander Ryumin/TASS MOSCOW, July 10. /TASS/. Positive feedback on the bill pensional reform came from more than half of subjects of the Russian Federation. This was told on Tuesday TASS Chairman of the Duma Committee on labor, social policy and veterans ‘ Affairs, Deputy head of the LDPR faction Yaroslav Nilov. “At the moment, more than 50% of the subjects of the Russian Federation received feedback. On the basis of the submitted opinions, positions [regions] have a positive direction in regard to the concept of the bill”, – said Nilov.

The chamber will support changes to pension legislation

The chamber will support changes to pension legislation July 10. Secretary of the Public chamber Valery Fadeyev, said that the chamber will support changes in the pension legislation if they do not conflict with the objectives of the new of the may presidential decree. “Pension reform and other actions of the Executive branch, must first contribute to the achievement of the goals that is in the may presidential decree. If we are able so to adjust the proposed bill that is to be achieved, we certainly will support it,” — said Valery Fadeev at a press conference on Tuesday. The Secretary stressed that raising the retirement age — not “simple accounting” operation: one, this issue brings along a whole layer of issues from the situation on the labour market in the case of the bill to the problems of demography. Because the government, he said, need to specify in

Putin appeared representative of the digitization

Putin appeared representative of the digitization This post is Dmitry Peskov of the Agency for strategic initiatives. The President of Russia a special representative on the digital and technological development. He became an employee of the Agency for strategic initiatives (ASI), Dmitry Peskov. The corresponding decree President Vladimir Putin signed on Tuesday, July 10, reported to journalists the press-Secretary of Putin Dmitry Peskov. You know what the message of the President, in the may decree, the objective was the total digitalization of the economy and social sphere. Just to coordinate these tasks and appointed Sands.Dmitry Pickupers-Putin’s Secretary According to him, the special representative of the President of digitalization will not be an employee of the presidential administration and headed by the special Autonomous non-commercial organization (ANO), which “Bud” from ASI, said the press Secretary of the President. The name of the new structure, he found it difficult to clarify. On

What is known, Jeremy hunt

What is known, Jeremy hunt On 9 July, the new British foreign Secretary was appointed by the former Minister of health and social protection Jeremy hunt. In this position, he was replaced by Boris Johnson. Details of the biography of Mr. hunt in reference to “Kommersant”. Jeremy, Richard Strensham hunt was born 1 November 1966 in London into the family of Admiral Nicholas hunt, the former commander of the British Royal Navy. He graduated from Magdalen College, Oxford University, where he majored in philosophy, politics and Economics. He was President of the University Association of the conservatives. After graduation, he worked as a consultant Manager in the company OC&C Strategy Consultants, and then went to teach English in Japan. On his return to England in the early 1990s, was engaged in business, together with a childhood friend founded the PR Agency Profile PR, as well as the company Hotcourses, providing

Sands linked critical words of the US Senator about the Russian Russophobic pressure and stereotypes

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, July 10. /TASS/. In the Kremlin explained the critical statements of us Senator John Kennedy, compared the government with the mafia, with Russophobic pressure within the United States and stereotypes about Russia. This was stated to journalists the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov.