Keira Knightley hit the base of the Ukrainian website “Peacemaker” during a trip to the Crimea

Keira Knightley hit the base of the Ukrainian website “Peacemaker” during a trip to the Crimea The actor took part in the festival “Scarlet sails” in “Artek”. KIEV, July 15. /TASS/. The Ukrainian site “Peacemaker” was added to his database of the Russian actor and Director Konstantin Khabensky for visiting the Crimea. “Deliberate violation of the state border of Ukraine with purpose of penetration into the occupied by Russian invaders of Crimea. Participation in outreach activities Russia (the aggressor),” — said on the website. In July 2018, the actor visited the Crimea, where he participated in the festival “Scarlet sails” in “Artek”. Site “Peacemaker” that is associated with the Verkhovna Rada Deputy and adviser to the interior Minister Anton Gerashchenko, was created to establish the identity of the militia or the people helping them. “The peacemaker” was published and continues to publish the personal data of the journalists, including the

Finnish newspaper appealed to Putin and Trump in three languages

Finnish newspaper appealed to Putin and Trump in three languages The largest newspaper in Finland, Helsingin Sanomat published an open letter to the presidents of Russia and USA Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump. 16 July in Helsinki will be held a meeting of heads of state. The text is given in three languages — Finnish, Russian and English. “The upcoming summit brings the people of Finland memories of such meetings in years past. Often happened that the arrival of the first persons of the superpowers in Helsinki was marked by a tense atmosphere, but parted leaders with smiles on their faces,” the letter reads. The document States that this phenomenon has a special name — “spirit of Helsinki”. “From the continued degradation of relations between the US and Russia does not benefit anybody. Therefore, the summit in Helsinki is an important event, despite all the difficulties”, — the document says.

Whether poisoning in Amesbury to divert attention from problems with Brexit

Whether poisoning in Amesbury to divert attention from problems with Brexit The investigation of poisoning in British Amesbury moved from the dead point, the police found a bottle of nerve substance, which allegedly poisoned don Sturges and Charlie Rowley. Meanwhile, in the UK there are increasing disagreements about the position of Theresa may on Brexit — will the Prime Minister use a new scandal with poisoning to divert attention from other problems, understood “Газета.Ru”. British police after six days of searching found a possible source of nerve agent, exposure to which has been don Sturges and Charlie Rowley in Amesbury. Investigators found in the house of the victims bottle with traces of poison. Now the investigation continues in several areas the police finds out how the poison was in the bottle, while experts on chemical weapons in military laboratory Porton Down are trying to establish whether a substance or exposure

Finland has revealed the details of the meeting between Putin and trump

Finland has revealed the details of the meeting between Putin and trump Finnish foreign Ministry has published details of the organization of the meeting of Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Donald trump, which will take place in Helsinki on Monday, July 16. According to reports, on Monday morning the President of Finland Sauli Niinistö and first lady Jenni Haukio will meet with Donald trump and his wife Melania at his residence in Mäntyniemi. Niinistö and trump will hold talks for the first lady at that time planned a joint Breakfast. Official events of the Russian-American summit, according to the report, will start in the afternoon (around 13.00 time coincides with Moscow) to the Presidential Palace in Helsinki. As the message says, Niinisto will formally greet in the Palace of Putin and trump. Then in the Gothic hall of the Presidential Palace held a bilateral conversation between the U.S.

Donald trump has announced his intention to run for President in 2020

Donald trump has announced his intention to run for President in 2020 The President of the United States Donald trump in an interview with British newspaper the Daily Mail said that is configured to participate in the presidential election in 2020 and sees a competitor in the ranks of the Democrats. “I am determined to participate again in the presidential elections. And, it seems, they all want me to get it done,” he said. To the question whether there is among Democrats a candidate who could get around in the presidential race, Mr. trump replied: “they Have no suitable candidate. I know them all and don’t see any”. In June, the rating of Donald trump as President of the USA has risen to 45%. The same level of popularity he achieved in January 2017, a week after the inauguration. The actions of Mr. trump cause the approval of 90% of

The new Constitution of Cuba appears the concept of private property

The new Constitution of Cuba appears the concept of private property MEXICO city, 15 Nov — RIA Novosti. A new Cuban Constitution will limit the term of tenure for the head of state 10 years, and also recognizes the right of private ownership, the official publication of the authorities of the country Granma. According to the draft basic law, published a newspaper, the head of Cuba will now be able to remain in power for no more than two five-year terms. “Sets the position of President and Vice-President of the Republic”, — stated in the text of the document. Earlier the position of the head of state called Chairman of the state Council and the Council of Ministers. Now this post is Miguel Diaz-Kanel’, in April, who replaced Raul Castro. For the first time the text of the Constitution includes the prohibition of gender discrimination and the recognition of private

Tusk revealed the attitude of the tramp toward Ukraine

Tusk revealed the attitude of the tramp toward Ukraine MOSCOW, 15 Nov — RIA Novosti. The President of the United States, Donald trump said Donald Tusk that he was interested in motives of Russian policy towards Ukraine, however, he admitted that the Ukraine is experiencing much less enthusiasm. The head of the European Council told the Polish television channel TVN24, reports “European true”. In June at the summit “the Big seven”, as reported by the media, trump said that the Crimea belongs to Russia, because there live Russian. In addition, the head of the White house questioned the advisability of providing financial assistance to Kiev, stressing that “Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world.” In July, trump said he did not “allow” the reunification of the Crimea with Russia, if I was a President in 2014. However, he blamed his predecessor Barack Obama. Crimea became part

Mei called the Brexit scenario is the only true

Mei called the Brexit scenario is the only true British Prime Minister Theresa may declared the scenario of Kingdom’s exit from the EU the only true. This position it was stated in an article published by the Daily Mail newspaper. “My message to the country this weekend is simple: we don’t have to take your eyes off the prize (benefits Brexit — ed.),” writes the Prime Minister. She called the deal the will of the British people, and the Brexit scenario — opportunity “to secure a new bright future of a country outside the European Union.” “This will restore our national sovereignty, now the government will decide who will come into the country, the Parliament will accept our laws, and our courts will apply them. This will put an end to the extensive membership fees that we pay to Brussels,” — said in the material. After leaving the EU, Britain

The government of Haiti has resigned amid protests

The government of Haiti has resigned amid protests The government of the Prime Minister of Haiti Jacques guy Lafontaine resigned amid mass unrest in the country. President Avenel, took my petition, what he said in his Twitter account. “Thank you Mr. Lafontaine and members of the Cabinet of Ministers for the service of the people”, — added in the message. The protesters blocked roads, set fire to cars and tires. As a result of the riots killed on different data from three to seven people. The increase was suspended, however, people began to demand the resignation of the Prime Minister. Also, the protests spread to Iraq, which the authorities were forced to impose a curfew. Protesters call for an increase in the number of jobs and elimination of shortages of water and electricity.

The German foreign Minister warned trump before meeting with Putin

The German foreign Minister warned trump before meeting with Putin Foreign Minister of Germany Heiko Maas told about their expectations from the meeting of Russian President Vladimir Putin and us leader Donald trump, and also warned the White house of “transactions for the account of the allies.” In an interview with the newspaper Bild am Sonntag, the head of the German foreign Ministry said that Trump should not enter into one-sided deals with the President of the Russian Federation. Unilateral transaction at the expense of its allies harm and the USA. Who’s hitting their partners, risking to end up the loser.Heiko Maegawa the German foreign Ministry However, he noted that Berlin has always advocated dialogue with Moscow. “We have always said that they need the dialogue with Russia. In this regard, well, when Washington and Moscow talk to each other. It would be progress if this meeting including provided the