Lawyer Agalarov answered the request of spectacular USA Muller

Lawyer Agalarov answered the request of spectacular USA Muller Lawyer Scott Balber representing the interests of the Russian singer and businessman Emin Agalarov, said that his client does not intend to go to the US to answer the questions of spectacular USA Robert Mueller about the “Russian interference” in the presidential elections of 2016. Barber stressed that the desire to interrogate Muller Agalarov was not news to him. Representing the interests of the Russian singer and businessman Emin Agalarov lawyer Scott Balber said that his client is not going to go to the US to answer questions of spectacular Robert Mueller. Barber also noted that the request is not news to him, because this issue has already been discussed with the American authorities. “We are dealing with a team of spectacular for almost a year, so for us it was not a surprise, the lawyer said on CNN. — We

The chamber has proposed to notify the Russians about fireproof pension savings

The chamber has proposed to notify the Russians about fireproof pension savings The chamber has suggested the government to change the system of informing of citizens on pension contributions, reported RBC in the Department. Changes are proposed to the law “On private pension funds” and “On individual (personified) accounting in system of compulsory pension insurance”. Now citizens can receive notice about the status of their pension savings after the conversion to the Russian Pension Fund or to the NPF. However, in such notices there is no information about annual income from the investment of savings and the amount of the guaranteed amount on 31 Dec 2014 (after this date, the citizens lost the opportunity to transfer their savings from one Fund to another more than once in five years). ACA proposes to disclose upon the request of citizens. In addition, the auditor recommends to include in the notice information about

“The country stuck in time”: that Russia is seeking in Africa

“The country stuck in time”: that Russia is seeking in Africa The expert said what happens in the CAR. After the death of three Russian journalists in the Central African Republic, the attention of politicians and the public confined to this country. As developed in this state and that there looking for Russia “Газете.Ru” said Dmitry Bondarenko — corresponding member of RAS, Deputy Director of the Institute for African studies, Director of the International centre of anthropology of the HSE, Professor of the RSUH. — Usually about SAM talking in the context of the reign of Bokassa and now, in connection with the death of Russian journalists. But how did the statehood of this Republic to Bokassa and informed? — The concept of statehood is not so precisely defined in the world science. Early state formation begin to occur in the territory of modern Central African Republic in the 15-16

Son of trump spoke about the threats to his family

Son of trump spoke about the threats to his family MOSCOW, Aug 3 — RIA Novosti. Son of Donald trump Eric stated that he had received threats in his address. “I was threatened, our entire family was threatened, all of us. All of us at home had white powder” — he said in an interview with Fox News channel, asked the host about the threats against his family. Newsthe Number of positively related to the U.S. of Russians has doubled, the survey showed He also described as “absurd” and “hypocritical” many press reports concerning the activities of his father and the actions of the relatives of the President. The us President feuding with a number of media, calling them “enemies of the people” and “fake news.” In response, the journalists criticize trump and publish regular leaks from the White house with incriminating information. After the recent meeting in Helsinki with

In France adopted a law against street harassment towards women

In France adopted a law against street harassment towards women Fines for public harassment of women range from 90 to 750 Euro. The French Parliament adopted a law on combating sexual violence and harassment. Among other changes, the bill clearly stipulated the age of sexual consent (15 years), stricter punishment for rape and the imposition of fines for public harassment and threats to women. NewsSexism: as modern society degrades men “Our main task today is to change society, to lower its tolerance of sexism and sexual violence,” — said in an interview with Europe1, the Secretary of state for equality between the sexes Marlene Chiappa. According to her, it is extremely important to create public understanding that the laws of France prohibit publicly harass women. “Shall not on every street corner stand the police officer that people respect the law,” she said. Public harassment will now fall under the jurisdiction

US intelligence agencies denied that employee of the U.S. Embassy in Russia had access to classified information

US intelligence agencies denied that employee of the U.S. Embassy in Russia had access to classified information WASHINGTON, August 3. /Offset. TASS Yaroslav Azarov/ — the Representative of Department of Mazon Breiman stressed that employees of the U.S. Secret service who are citizens of a foreign state, may not have access to information concerning national security. US secret service categorically denied the information of the British newspaper The Guardian about the availability of access to classified information at the Russians, who allegedly was dismissed from the American Embassy in Moscow. This was reported TASS the representative a press-services of the Secret service, Mazon Braymen. “Employees of the U.S. Secret service who are citizens of a foreign state, does not have access to information regarding national security,” he said in response to a request to comment on an article from a British newspaper on 2 August. In a statement soon appeared

Russian diplomats visited the arrested in the United States Butino

Russian diplomats visited the arrested in the United States Butino WASHINGTON, Aug 3 — RIA Novosti. Employees of the Russian Embassy once again visited the prisoner in the U.S. the Russian Maria Butina, she “endures” the conditions of imprisonment, is spoken in the comment of the Russian Embassy in the United States. “The second of August the staff of the Embassy once again visited the arrested by the US authorities of the Russian citizen Maria Butina. For 19 days, she is jail on trumped up charges. Maria endures the hardships of trying to adapt to these. The state of health does not complain, however, her treatment for dental care are ignored”, — said Russian diplomats. The diplomatic mission noted that Butinai now also “given the opportunity to make telephone calls, but contact with parents has not yet managed by the prison administration refers to some “technical difficulties”. Embassy of the

From words to deeds: Russian diplomacy achieved an important victory

From words to deeds: Russian diplomacy achieved an important victory Russia convinced Japan to create a group of experts to discuss issues ABOUT the United States in the Asia Pacific region. The first consultations of the Russian and Japanese experts on the topic of the deployment of U.S. missile defense system in Japan will be held prior to the September meeting of the leaders of the two countries in Vladivostok. This “Izvestia” said the source on the Smolensk square. These consultations can be considered a victory of Russian diplomacy — Moscow several months sought the reaction of Tokyo to the initiative at their organization. The Japanese side recently claimed that the emergence of missile defense systems on its territory is purely defensive in nature and does not threaten Russia. Now the experts will be clear that it is alarming of the Russian Federation in the actions of Tokyo, told “Izvestia”

Trump said that he was able to improve relations with Putin

Trump said that he was able to improve relations with Putin Moscow. August 3. INTERFAX.RU — on 15 July in Helsinki meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin was helpful and allowed us to establish a relationship with him, said the President of the United States Donald trump. Donald trump added: “incidentally, this is good, not bad. And now prevents us from Russian hoax. This is a hoax — right?”. The American President, commenting on the reaction in the U.S. at the summit, I noticed that was expected of him “Boxing match” with his Russian counterpart. Trump once again lambasted the media reports concerning himself and his activities, calling the reports “false and disgusting”. “What happened to free press? What happened to honest messages? They do, they only think of history,” said the President, pointing to the attending media representatives. Donald trump also said that Russia did not want to he

The Guardian: the agent of the Russian secret services for more than 10 years worked in the U.S. Embassy in Moscow

The Guardian: the agent of the Russian secret services for more than 10 years worked in the U.S. Embassy in Moscow US intelligence agencies have discovered the Russian spy in the American Embassy in Moscow. According to the newspaper The Guardian, a Russian citizen was hired by the U.S. Secret service and more than 10 years had access to confidential information and internal mail. “She had access to the official mail system of the Secret service. It was available schedules of the President, both current and past, and their spouses,” said a source. According to the newspaper, the woman came under suspicion in 2016 during a standard security check. They were able to establish that the suspect met regularly with the FSB. On the results of the inspection in January 2017 was warned nine senior officials of the Secret service. A private investigation conducted by the CIA and the FBI.