Russia can double social tax deduction

Russia can double social tax deduction The Deputy of the state Duma Ivan Sukharev has prepared amendments to the Tax code, according to which the social tax deduction will be increased twice. It is reported by RT. Upstairs The MP noted that established in 2007 the maximum amount of tax deduction lost its relevance and has no significant support for the trainees. He also added that existing to date, the mechanism of social tax deduction offers the right of return of the amount of money spent is not more than 15 600 rubles. for the annual tax period. The proposed changes will allow students to return to 31 200 RUB over the same period. Sukharev said that the proposed changes will be motivation for higher education.

British ex-military predicted “disaster” in the Royal Navy

British ex-military predicted “disaster” in the Royal Navy The former head of the naval staff of the Royal naval forces (naval forces) of great Britain, Lord Alan West said that the patrolling of its own borders after Brexit will result in a “catastrophe” for the country. He said this to the Independent newspaper. Upstairs Vest said that the recent collision of French and British fishing vessels in the English channel suggests that the Royal Navy does not have enough ships to patrol their territorial waters. This situation, says West, demonstrates the shortcomings in the organization of work of the military services. According to him, the court coordinate the various departments, although it should deal with a single service. He stressed that after the British exit from the EU, the country will have their own to patrol the exclusive economic zone, and that, given the state of the British Navy, can

Roskomnadzor has no plans to block YouTube

Roskomnadzor has no plans to block YouTube MOSCOW, 5 sen — RIA of news. Roskomnadzor has no plans to block YouTube in Russia, there are other mechanisms for enforcement of Russian laws, said the Minister on his page on the social network “Vkontakte”. Upstairs CEC and Roskomnadzor had earlier sent Google letters of responsibility for dissemination of the calls for actions on the day of the election, which is a violation of Russian law. Single voting day in Russia will take place on 9 September. On Tuesday the Deputy head of Roskomnadzor Vadim Subbotin said that YouTube acts as a connecting link in the promotion of anti-social behaviour on election day. “The blocking of YouTube on the territory of the Russian Federation out of the question. Our state has other mechanisms for enforcement of Russian laws”, — said Subbotin, whose words are reported. “We’ll monitor the situation and see the

On demining the border between North Korea and South Korea will take 200 years

On demining the border between North Korea and South Korea will take 200 years SEOUL, September 5. /TASS/. Full clearance between the DPRK and the Republic of Korea, the demilitarized zone is about 200 years old. This was stated on Wednesday the radio station KBS, the representative of land forces of the country. Upstairs According to the military, even if mine will be involved in all available in South Korea, engineering units, at the current level of technology, the process cannot be completed in less than two centuries. In this regard, the representative of the armed forces pointed to the need to create a special center for the elimination of mines in preparation for a joint peace project of the South and the North in the demilitarized zone, which is a neutral zone with a length of 241 km and a width of 4 km. According to various estimates, from

Department of state: U.S. shares the concerns of the Russian Federation the presence of terrorists in Idlib

Department of state: U.S. shares the concerns of the Russian Federation the presence of terrorists in Idlib WASHINGTON, 5 Sep — RIA Novosti. The United States shares Russia’s concern with the presence of terrorists in the Syrian province of Idlib, willing to work on this issue, said US Secretary of state Mike Pompeo. Upstairs According to him, the Russian authorities speak about the presence of terrorists in Idlib. “This is a true statement. We share their concerns about terrorism emanating from Northern, North-Western Syria. We absolutely agree with them that these places are terrorists, and need to deal with them, so that they are not engaged in the export of terrorism around the world,” he said on Board the plane, heading to Pakistan. The transcript of the interview circulated by the state Department. Pompeo said that the U.S. “would be happy to work on the issue of terrorism in this

The Parliament speaker has called Hitler the greatest Democrat

The Parliament speaker has called Hitler the greatest Democrat Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Andriy paruby called himself an opponent of direct democracy. He told about it on air of ICTV TV channel. Upstairs Speaking about the need to consider in Ukraine the Electoral code, the politician said that “the biggest supporter of direct democracy was Adolf Aleyzovich in the thirties”. Parubiy added that on the scientific level studied the methods of direct democracy, and came to the conclusion that this political system is one way of manipulation. On 4 September the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko submitted to the Verkhovna Rada a bill, which sets nationalist greeting “Glory to Ukraine!” and “glory to the Heroes!” as a major in the army. These phrases, combined with the pulling up of the right hand, was adopted as the organizational password-greetings to the members of the Organization of Ukrainian nationalists

Austrian politicians suspected secret work on Russia

Austrian politicians suspected secret work on Russia A parliamentary Commission launched an investigation against the Minister of internal Affairs and the other members of the far-right Freedom Party (FPÖ). They are suspected of meddling in the work of the intelligence services and relations with Russia. About it reports The Local. Upstairs Last week, the court in Vienna declared illegal police raids by members of the FPÖ in February of this year. Then the guards surprised the employees of the Austrian state security service (BVT), raided its headquarters and the homes of senior members and confiscated some documents. It is known that some of them contain information about groups of ultra-right radicals. Officially the raids took place because of the suspicion in excess of powers of office. The Minister of the interior Herbert CICL (Herbert Kickl) rejected the accusations and called the investigation an attempt by the opposition to score political

Erdogan said that the operation in Idlib could lead to a humanitarian catastrophe

Erdogan said that the operation in Idlib could lead to a humanitarian catastrophe ANKARA, 5 September. /TASS/. Operation government forces in the Syrian Idlib could lead to a humanitarian catastrophe and a new wave of migrants fleeing to neighboring Turkey. As reported in a Wednesday newspaper Sabah, said the Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan to the journalists on the plane returning from Kyrgyzstan. Upstairs “There [in Idlib] there are about 3.5 million people, Russia and the United States to shift the responsibility on each other. But if the rockets start to fall on this area, then there is a serious bloodshed, a new flow of refugees will flood into Turkey,” he said. The Turkish leader also added that “Turkey’s cooperation with Russia and Iran helped to avoid the disaster in Idlib”, and “interaction with Russia is very important.” Idlib — the only major region of Syria, which remains in the hands

Russia recognized the Maritime dominance of the United States

Russia recognized the Maritime dominance of the United States Doctor of military Sciences, Vice-President of the Russian Academy of rocket and artillery Sciences, the captain of the first rank Konstantin Sivkov called the undeniable dominance of the U.S. Navy in the ocean. Article expert has published “Military-industrial courier”. Upstairs According to experts, the main feature of the IUD the leading NATO countries in the near and medium term, in wars and armed conflicts is to focus on operations and combat operations “from the sea against the shore”. “This is due to the fact that the dominance of the main naval forces of the Alliance — the US Navy in the area of the ocean is undeniable,” — said the expert. However, Sivkov continues, strengthening the Chinese Navy and possible increase the combat capabilities of the Russian Navy “can do for Americans a priority fight with the enemy fleet, particularly in

Lavrov: Clinton is sincerely offered a “reset” of Russian-American relations

Lavrov: Clinton is sincerely offered a “reset” of Russian-American relations MOSCOW, September 5. /TASS/. Former U.S. Secretary of state Hillary Clinton in 2009, sincerely advocated a “reset” of Russian-American relations, despite the fact that the character changes suggested to click on the button labeled “overload”. This opinion was expressed on Tuesday, the Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov in the program “the Big game” on “the First channel”. Upstairs “I think it was the fault of the performers, because in English, everything was written correctly — “reset”, in Russian turned the floor where it was missing two letters, and instead of “restarting” work “overload”. When Hillary Clinton I the button passed in front of the cameras and I immediately noticed the error, brought it to her attention, they very quickly become we have to ask, even beg that we return this button they remade correctly, but