NYT: trump can fire the head of the Pentagon after the election in November for insubordination

NYT: trump can fire the head of the Pentagon after the election in November for insubordination NEW YORK, September 15. /TASS/. The President of the United States Donald trump is considering the appropriateness of dismissal after the midterm elections in November, defense Minister James Mattis and his replacement by a more pliant leader. Upstairs This was reported in Saturday newspaper the New York Times, quoting several current and former officials of the White house, Congress and the Pentagon. The sources drew attention to the fact that in the last six weeks, Mattis finally fell into the disfavor of the President, as is very concerned about the state of the armed forces of the country and does not want the President of the United States used them in the political struggle with enemies. The Pentagon disagreed with trump’s views on policy towards NATO, joint military exercises with the Republic of Korea,

Georgia has rejected accusations of Russia concerning biological laboratory. Lugar

Georgia has rejected accusations of Russia concerning biological laboratory. Lugar Moscow. September 15. INTERFAX.RU IN Tbilisi declare that the Georgia lab named Senator Richard Lugar is transparent, and regular accusations from Russia about its activities are baseless. Upstairs “No closed or secret trials in this centre is not carried out, especially over people that is absurd,” — said on Saturday the First channel of the Georgian special envoy of the Prime Minister of Georgia for relations with Russia Zurab Abashidze. According to him, this laboratory is the property of Georgia, its activities are financed from the Georgian budget. “Similar laboratories exist in many countries, including Russia. Laboratory Lugar is running in transparent mode, its doors are open for foreign scientists and experts,” — said Abashidze. Earlier official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova expressed concern that biomedical research United States pose a threat to the spread of infectious disease

USA called the supply lethal weapons to Kiev business as usual

USA called the supply lethal weapons to Kiev business as usual Washington is ready to discuss with Kiev the supply of new weapons, including lethal and this issue will be resolved in a business manner. This was stated by the special envoy of the US state Department in Ukraine Kurt Volker at the conference “Yalta European strategy” in Kiev, reports RIA Novosti. Upstairs “President [Barack] Obama was forbidden to grant Ukraine a lethal weapon, and now we pass. Now we are ready to improve the defence capability of Ukraine. Of course, it has increased, but there are some gaps in it,” he recalled. Walker added that the U.S. is ready to listen to the wishes of the Ukrainian side for the supply of weapons and may offer Kiev to buy a portion of the required equipment. The official stressed that it will be business as usual. Earlier at the conference,

Became aware of a private meeting between Putin c Prime Minister of Japan

Became aware of a private meeting between Putin c Prime Minister of Japan The President of Russia Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe held a private chat in Vladivostok after the Russian leader at the plenary session proposed to conclude a peace Treaty between the two countries until the end of the year. On Saturday, September 15, reported the TV channel NHK, citing government sources. Upstairs According to the sides of the channel, the conversation was held in the judo competition, which called for both leaders. When it was attended only by the interpreter. The content of the conversation is not disclosed, but most likely it was about the main positions of the parties regarding Putin’s proposal and further talks on the issue, said NHK. While Japanese Prime Minister himself has hinted that had an exchange of views with Putin. “Japan’s position is to first solve the territorial issue

In Iran, called the conservation of nuclear deal

In Iran, called the conservation of nuclear deal BERLIN, 15 Sep — RIA Novosti. Iran will stick to nuclear deal, while it is in their interests, maintaining the agreements when exiting the USA is the receipt of funds from the sale of oil, said in an interview with the weekly Spiegel, the Minister of foreign Affairs of Iran Mohammad Javad Zarif. Upstairs “This agreement — not a love Scam, it was a reasonable compromise. Iran is ready to continue to apply it until it meets our interests… our Priority is that Iran can continue to sell oil at reasonable volumes and transfer the proceeds to Iran,” said Zarif. The Minister added that Iran also seeks cooperation in investment, science, technology and trade, but evidence of the effectiveness of the nuclear deal remain “oil and banks”. “The Europeans and other signatories must work to offset the impact of U.S. sanctions. In

Poland considers groundless the comments of the European Commission on the reform of the Supreme court in the country

Poland considers groundless the comments of the European Commission on the reform of the Supreme court in the country WARSAW, September 15. /TASS/. Doubts of the European Commission (EC), concerning the compliance with the Polish law on the Supreme court to European law, are unfounded. With this statement made by the Polish foreign Ministry in posted Saturday on the Ministry’s website reported. Upstairs Warsaw handed over to the Brussels a detailed response to observations related to judicial reform, as a response to doubts voiced by the EC and “putting on their validity”. “Poland emphasizes that, in accordance with the treatises of the EU, the organization of the judiciary under the exclusive competence of the member States. For this reason, an indication of the age of retirement of judges of the Supreme court can not be considered a violation by Poland of General rules of European law, referenced in the EC”,

Pushilin announced the arrest of a suspect in the murder of Zakharchenko

Pushilin announced the arrest of a suspect in the murder of Zakharchenko The acting head of the self-proclaimed Donetsk people’s Republic Denis Pushilin announced the arrest of a suspect in the murder of the head of DND Alexander Zakharchenko. Upstairs “Our law enforcement authorities carried out a number of activities. Have an understanding of who did it. One man arrested, who gave the full layout of that testimony,” he told reporters Mr. Pushilin (quoted by “RIA Novosti”). According to acting head of the DNI, the terrorist act committed with the participation of the fifth Department of the LSC, SBU. “As a result of further intelligence agencies (DNR — ed.), analysis of residues of the explosive device, the high technology, not previously used by SBU. It gives an understanding that the terrorist act was committed with the assistance of Western intelligence services,” added Mr. Pushilin. Alexander Zakharchenko, head of DNR in

Named the main threat to Europe

Named the main threat to Europe The main threat to Europe is not a output of individual States from the European Union, and Nazism. This opinion was expressed by the President of Greece Prokopis Pavlopoulos after a summit of the group of ARRAIOLOS (Arraiolos) in Riga, his words leads RIA Novosti. Upstairs As noted by the Law on elections to the European Parliament, to be held in may 2019, will be one of the most critically important after the creation of the Eurozone recovery in the region of neo-Nazism. “We hope that this threat will not work. We hope that the people of Europe will say in one voice: “no pasarán!”. I must say that we see the threat,” he said. According to the President, the Europeans should decide what kind of Europe they want to see in the future. “All these forms of populism and neo-Nazism, hidden behind the

Poroshenko considered the Association of Ukraine with the European Union a victory over Russia

Poroshenko considered the Association of Ukraine with the European Union a victory over Russia MOSCOW, 15 sen — news. Ukraine was able to “beat Russia”, said the President Petro Poroshenko. Such a statement he made in passing in Kiev the forum of the international organization “Yalta European strategy”. Upstairs “I can say that we beat, and it’s been more than a year, as the Association agreement between Ukraine and the EU entered into force. The EU’s share in exports ranges from 42 to 43 percent, rapidly approaching 50 percent, and this greatly compensates for those losses which we have caused Russia”, — he wrote in Twitter. Policy replacement In recent years, Kiev has a policy of substitution of products manufactured in Russia. From January 1, 2016 came into force the agreement between the European Union and Ukraine on a deep and comprehensive free trade area. Kiev has granted tariff rate

The European Commission has called the conditions for the next tranche of Ukraine

The European Commission has called the conditions for the next tranche of Ukraine To receive macrofinancial assistance from the European Union, Ukraine needs to adopt a number of measures against corruption and improve the governance of the state companies and to start selling state assets. This statement was made by the President of the European Commission on the Euro and financial stability Valdis Dombrovskis. Upstairs According to him, the tranche will be made only in case if Ukraine will fulfill all these obligations. In addition, the country’s leaders need to create an automated system for the verification of electronic declarations of assets of officials and to ensure effective verification of beneficial ownership information on companies, writes “Federal news Agency”. 6 September in Kiev with working visit there has arrived IMF mission. The task of the Foundation staff to assess the implementation of the Kiev budget for the current year and