The source provided the Israeli version of the incident with the downed Il-20

The source provided the Israeli version of the incident with the downed Il-20 TEL AVIV, 21 Sep — RIA Novosti. The Israeli military came to Moscow with evidence that Syrian anti-aircraft gunners on the night was shot down by a Russian Il-20, fired more than 20 missiles when the aircraft of the Jewish state was coming in to land at their bases, said a senior source in the Israeli army. Upstairs Indiscriminate fire from the ground in repelling the Israeli airstrike, the Israelis called the main cause of the tragedy and denied involvement in it. “More than 20 Syrian anti-aircraft rockets were fired, when all our planes were in Israeli airspace and was preparing for landing,” the source said at the briefing. He added that the Il-20, according to tel Aviv was far from the area of the Israeli operation and called the actions of the air defense of Syria

The expert said that meant the gesture Merkel in Salzburg

The expert said that meant the gesture Merkel in Salzburg MOSCOW, 21 sen — news. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, ignoring the greeting of the Prime Minister of great Britain Theresa may on the sidelines of the informal EU summit in Salzburg, showed her displeasure with the situation with the negotiations on Brexit, said RIA Novosti Deputy Secretary of the Public chamber of Russia Sergey Ordzhonikidze. Upstairs British media reported that German Chancellor Angela Merkel passed by the Prime Minister, Theresa may, when she smiled at the sidelines of the informal EU summit in Salzburg and leaned forward to say Hello. “It is a signal expression of displeasure. What is your concern — all is understood. Negotiations on Brexit” — said Ordzhonikidze. According to him, as an insult, this gesture should not be considered. “It means I am unhappy. An insult would it be in that case, if Mei came up,

China urged the US to lift sanctions because of Russian weapons

China urged the US to lift sanctions because of Russian weapons China made the US a serious view in connection with the introduction of us sanctions related to the continuation of military cooperation of China with Russia. “The Chinese side expresses its strong indignation at the unreasonable practices of the United States,” said foreign Ministry spokesman China Geng Shuang. He urged Washington to “correct the mistake” and cancel the restrictive measures. Upstairs The foreign Ministry of China stressed that such actions of Washington are seriously undermining relations between the two countries, including military ties, and violate international law, AFP reports. The Ministry has assured that the Russian-Chinese cooperation is carried out in accordance with international law and not directed against third countries. 20 Sep USA in the framework of the law CAATSA (“ON countering the enemies of America by sanctions”) imposed sanctions against the Chinese Department of training of the

Peruvian named Lenin wanted to prevent Hitler to become mayor

Peruvian named Lenin wanted to prevent Hitler to become mayor MOSCOW, 21 sen — news. In Peru the mayor of the city Ongar running a candidate named Hitler Alba Sanchez. This caused resentment on the part of his compatriot Vladimir Lenin Rodriguez Valverde, reported the Peruvian radio RPP. Upstairs Rodriguez Valverde appealed to the electoral authorities with the requirement to refuse Hitler in check for the position of mayor. The politician said that he did not know about the existence of this person and believes that Lenin, Vladimir rodríguez Valverde used by the opponents, promoting another candidate. Hitler Alba Sanchez is right party “We are Peru”. In 2011-2014 he has held a post of the mayor Ungaro from centrist party “Peru Possible”. “I am a good Hitler,” said Alba Sanchez. The candidate admitted that he has repeatedly faced with discrimination because of his name and was going to change it.

“The envy between the lines”. Expert on media reports the US about weapons of the Russian Federation

“The envy between the lines”. Expert on media reports the US about weapons of the Russian Federation Russia modernizes “divine” artillery during the cold war, writes the American edition The National Interest, citing the Agency’s foreign military studies U.S. army (FMSO). Upstairs We are talking about 240-mm mortar 2S4 “Tulip” and 203-mm howitzer 2S7 “Pion”. Both weapons are capable of firing nuclear shells, which, as the newspaper notes, “NATO would have learned the hard way, if the cold war became hot.” However, after the end of the cold war Russia for a long time stockpiled most of this heavy artillery. The American Agency contends that it adapts old systems to modern threats. “According to some reports, 2S4 modernize, to integrate into a modern system of command and control and implement improved communications systems and fire control. It is also expected to upgrade or replace the pipes and mechanism of the

Died, the President of Vietnam Tran Dai Quang

Died, the President of Vietnam Tran Dai Quang MOSCOW, 21 sen — news. Died, the President of Vietnam Tran Dai Quang, reported the AFP citing state media. Upstairs He died in the hospital at 10:05 a.m. local time (06:05 GMT), reports the news Agency of Vietnam (VNA). Tran Dai Quang was born 12 October 1956 in Ninh Binh province in Northern Vietnam. Early in his career he served in the interior Ministry, and then went to work in the Ministry of public security, which was later headed. In 2016 he became President of the country.

Poroshenko has filed a lawsuit against “Bi-bi-si” for libel

Poroshenko has filed a lawsuit against “Bi-bi-si” for libel The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has filed a lawsuit against the British “bi-Bi-si” for libel. This writes The Telegraph. Upstairs The reason for litigation was the news that Poroshenko had paid for a meeting with Donald trump at least 400 thousand dollars. According to the Ukrainian leader, this information is “not true and has his dignity.” Besides, according to the lawyers, the publication “caused damage to the reputation of Poroshenko, which is especially dangerous, because he is actively promoting in Ukraine anti-corruption steps”. The BBC refused to publish a correction or apology, the material is available on the newspaper’s website. The meeting of the two presidents was held in June 2017. In late January of this year, Poroshenko said that his relationship with his American counterpart Donald trump develop brilliantly.

Britain decided to create kibervoyska to attack Russia

Britain decided to create kibervoyska to attack Russia UK will create liberated to fight with Russia. About it reports TV channel Sky News. Upstairs In a division that is created under the guidance of the Ministry of defence and government communications Center will consist of approximately 2,000 specialists that the channel is four times more than currently available “cyberbytes”. The implementation of the plan to create the squad will spend at least 250 million pounds (over $ 330 million). Clarifies that the division will undertake operations of offensive character. September 17, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that the Alliance is ready to respond to cyber attacks from Russia. According to him, the attack by Russian hackers on any of the member States of the Alliance will allow us to apply the provisions of the fifth article of the Charter of the organization of equating an attack on one country

In Peru, a candidate named Hitler running for mayor

In Peru, a candidate named Hitler running for mayor MOSCOW, September 21. /TASS/. Peruvian by the name of Hitler Alba Sanchez announced his candidacy for mayor of the village Ungar in the Department of Ancash in the country’s West. Upstairs However, as reported Thursday a local radio station “Ere-PE-PE,” his compatriot Lenin, Vladimir rodríguez Valverde was sent to the electoral authorities a statement demanding a policy to deny the right to apply for this position. Alba Sanchez is right party “We are Peru”. According to mayoral candidate, his political opponents used Rodriguez Valverde to contribute to the victory of the other candidate for the post. “I am a good Hitler,” says the candidate. He said that no citizen is familiar with Rodriguez and Valverde. Politician has held the post of mayor Ungaro in 2011-2014 from centrist party “Peru Possible”. According to the candidate, the opponents have never given up trying

The defense Ministry rejected the inconsistencies in the documents on who shot down Malaysian Boeing rocket

The defense Ministry rejected the inconsistencies in the documents on who shot down Malaysian Boeing rocket The defense Ministry reacted to the appeared “inconsistencies” in the documents of the missile complex “Buk” shot down Malaysian Boeing MH17 in the Donbas in 2014. This was reported on the website of the Department. Upstairs Novaya Gazeta wrote that “restored the original form” in the engine number 8869032 seen that the creation date of the copy of the document — January 14, 1986. The date of manufacture of the product is 24 December of the same year. According to journalists of the “New”, the difference in dates may indicate that the document originally had nothing to brought down “Boeing” with the rocket and that it’s been edited later. The military explained that the set of design documentation for the missile entered the instance formalized form on the engine, nozzle and other aggregates: “Form