Kiev unveiled some details of the Western project of peace in the Donbass

Kiev unveiled some details of the Western project of peace in the Donbass Foreign Minister of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin told, which, according to Kiev and Western partners should be the peacekeeping mission in the Donbass. The details he shared on Radio NV, UNIAN reports. Upstairs Klimkin said that the plan envisages the presence in the Donbass military, police and international administration, and the last two points he called “megabestiality”. According to him, draft resolution on peacekeepers in the Donbass must be shared from Ukraine and her Western partners, noting that such a draft was prepared “very long time”. The Ukrainian Minister added that the peacekeeping operation must be consistent. “But by definition, it can’t be peacekeepers, which protect only the mission, SMM. I can’t be the peacekeepers, who are sitting along the line of contact… Should be, although consistent, but the process of entering all of the occupied territory”, —

The media talked about the creation of a Russian fleet submarines, hypersonic missiles

The media talked about the creation of a Russian fleet submarines, hypersonic missiles MOSCOW, 22 sen — news. The Russian submarine fleet, equipped with supersonic missiles, will lead to full combat readiness by 2024, reported CNBC, citing a source familiar with the reports of American intelligence. Upstairs It is also noted that by that time it is planned to increase the number of new submarines to eight. In addition, the channel States that for these purposes, Russia has reduced the cost of upgrading the surface segment of the fleet. CNBC attributes this to the submarines of class “Northwind 2” or “Borey” submarines of the fourth generation. Each of them carries on Board 20 missiles “Bulava” with multiple warheads — they will be able to carry up to ten hypersonic nuclear blocks. Thus, said channel one “Northwind 2” will be able to run 200 supersonic missiles, “the threat that the United

In order SANA proved to be a record of the filming of “staging himataki in Idlib”

In order SANA proved to be a record of the filming of “staging himataki in Idlib” The Syrian news Agency SANA published in advance of the video dramatizations himataki in Syria’s Idlib province. Upstairs Some time later, the video became unavailable on Youtube, of news it has also been removed. In a five-minute video presents several “versions” of the incident, moreover, it is noted that the one and the same people appear in different qualities. At the beginning of live on earth is a man — allegedly the victim himataki later it will be transferred to the stretcher in the ambulance, in other episodes this person already acts in a role of paramedic and pours water on the victims. The Agency claims that the trapped in his possession footage that proves the staged nature of the record. According to SANA, these fragments are duplicates of shots taken for the preparation

Humiliating position of the head of the Polish in the photo with trump considered an insult to the nation

Humiliating position of the head of the Polish in the photo with trump considered an insult to the nation The President of Poland Andrzej Duda made fun of in a humiliating pose for pictures together with his American counterpart Donald trump during the signing of the agreement on strategic cooperation. Upstairs The reason for the ridicule was the publication of this picture, the Manager on social networks, Ivan Shyla (Ivan Syla) to Facebook with the caption “on the left — the President of Poland”. He said this on his page in the social network. During the download an error has occurred. Polish TV channel Belsat fired the employee who posted the entry, without explanation. “No talking, just removed from a working chat and took away all access rights. Maybe someday I’ll write all about it in detail. Maybe not. But the situation — bottom”, — said the journalist. After that,

Deputy transport Minister resigns and will be engaged in singing

Deputy transport Minister resigns and will be engaged in singing Deputy transport Minister Alan Lushnikov leave his post. According to him, the corresponding proposal is made by the Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, but not yet signed. Upstairs After retiring from the Ministry of transport officials intend to focus on his music career, according to RBC. Lushnikov did not specify who will take his place, as, according to him, has no right to comment on it. Deputy Minister of transport is the lead singer of the rock group Ctrlband. The first concert of the updated composition of the team was held in April. According to the information on the website of the Ministry of transport, Lushnikov has held the position of Deputy Minister from February 2017. Before he was five years old I was the assistant Vice Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich. In March it became known that eks-US President Barack Obama

Viktor Zimin withdrew from the elections of the head of Khakassia Republic

Viktor Zimin withdrew from the elections of the head of Khakassia Republic The candidate from “United Russia” Viktor Zimin, withdrew his candidacy from the elections of the head of Khakassia, which was held on Sunday, September 23, reported “Interfax” a source in the election Commission of the Republic. Upstairs “Zimin wrote a letter to the election Commission about the withdrawal of his candidacy from the election for health reasons”, — said the Agency interlocutor. It was assumed that the second round will be Mr. Zimin and Valentin Konovalov, first Secretary of the regional branch of the Communist party. The CEC of Russia information about the withdrawal of Victor Zimin with the election confirmed. The second round is held two weeks later, it will be attended by Mr Konovalov and third place in the first round, Andrey Filegen — the leader of regional branch of party “Fair Russia”, informs “RIA Novosti”.

Time put on the cover of matryoshka with Putin and trump

Time put on the cover of matryoshka with Putin and trump The American Time magazine placed on the cover of the October issue of Russian President Vladimir Putin, the American leader Donald trump and the Russian businessman Oleg Deripaska and American politics Paul Manafort. Upstairs “All the Czar’s Men.” @shustry”s close look at Putin’s circle of oligarchs leads the international edition of TIME this week, with an illustration by @TonkaOBrien — Dan Stewart (@thatdanstewart) 20 Sep 2018 The cover of the issue published editor Dan Stewart in his Twitter on September 20. The picture politicians and heads of state depicted as part of the dismantled dolls, in which trump is external, the biggest part, and Putin — the inner one the smallest. “All the king’s men. As the oligarchs Putin got into the team of trump,” it says on the cover. In previous issues Time has created a

The Kremlin saw in the new US sanctions unfair competition and hysteria

The Kremlin saw in the new US sanctions unfair competition and hysteria Moscow. September 21. INTERFAX.RU — the Kremlin has called the new sanctions of the USA against Russia is a manifestation of unfair competition, a factor hindering the normalization of bilateral relations. Upstairs “It’s not new sanctions, they were pre-announced, so it was time to analyze the threats and to minimize risks that undoubtedly emerge in connection with these actions of Washington”, — said the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. He called the sanctions a “hostile, shall we say, unfriendly, unpredictable, and, of course, continues to inflict harm and which is in a sorry state of bilateral relations”. “These sanctions can be seen by two factors: the first is dishonest, unfair competition, attempt using non-market methods that run counter to norms and principles of international trade, to displace from the markets, the main competitor of American manufacturers,”

“Brakcet” will leave the British without cheese, wine and football players

“Brakcet” will leave the British without cheese, wine and football players Saxo Bank in an ironic form described the consequences of the withdrawal of Britain from the EU. Upstairs Analysts of the Danish Saxo Bank investigated possible implications for the UK “hard” “Breccia” — that is, out of the EU without prior conclusion of bilateral trade, customs and other treaties. Experts suggest that the British will lose more than you gain. The study’s author, senior analyst at Saxo Bank Claire McCarthy believes that “the British government is being torn apart because of his apparent inability to combine exit conditions from the EU to meet and Brussels, and supporters “Breccia””. “This means that the prospects hard “Breccia” growing every day,” she said. That’s why Bank analysts believe that such a scenario would lead to huge problems that would not be confined to politics and macroeconomics. The effects of austerity “Breccia” will

Merkel responded to the greeting, may, write media

Merkel responded to the greeting, may, write media MOSCOW, 21 sen — news. German Chancellor Angela Merkel has not responded to the welcoming smile of the Prime Minister of great Britain Theresa may and passed by her during the informal EU summit, held in Salzburg, Austria, the British newspaper Daily Express. Upstairs According to the publication, on the eve of the summit the British Prime Minister spoke with a group of EU leaders, when approached Merkel. Mei smiled and leaned forward, but the Chancellor ignored his British colleague and went to greet President of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaite. According to the results of the informal summit in Salzburg Angela Merkel said that the need to attain meaningful steps around Brexit until October. “There is still a great piece of work on the subject, as will appear future trade relations, although we have expressed the General opinion that the issue of the