Turkey has called the acquisition of s-400 “done deal”

Turkey has called the acquisition of s-400 “done deal” Foreign Minister of Turkey Mevlut Cavusoglu has called the acquisition of Russian anti-aircraft missile systems s-400 “Triumph” is “a done deal” that cannot be undone. Upstairs “The current deal is done. I cannot cancel”, — Cavusoglu said Reuters after meeting with U.S. Secretary of state Michael Pompeo. The Minister also added that the country would continue to acquire weapons from the allies. Ankara and Moscow signed a contract on deliveries of s-400 in 2017. Washington has repeatedly opposed the agreement and threatened Turkey to stop the supply is already paid for F-35 fighter. In response, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan vowed to appeal to international arbitration court. On 15 November it became known that at least 13 countries have expressed a desire to buy s-400. S-400 is designed to defeat all modern means of aerospace attack, including different types of aircraft, ballistic

The US imposed sanctions against two Russian companies

The US imposed sanctions against two Russian companies WASHINGTON, 20 Nov — RIA Novosti. The US imposed sanctions against two Russian companies suspected of supplying Iranian oil to Syria, announced the American Ministry of Finance. Upstairs Under the restrictions were FSUE “Promsyreimport” and “SCC” (English name Global Vision Group). In addition, the list made by the Iranian company Tadbir Kish and six individuals. Among them Andrei Dagaev, Deputy Director “Promsyreimport”. As the organizer of Iranian oil supplies in Syria called the Syrian citizen Mohammed Amer al-Swiki and his company Global Vision Group located in Russia. A senior representative of the US administration noted that due to the “Iranian-Russian network” the Syrian government is receiving millions of barrels of oil from Iran, and that the hundreds of millions of dollars from Syria to Finance the IRGC (the IRGC), as well as groups Hamas and Hezbollah. According to him, oil secretly delivered

Donald trump is preparing to withdraw troops from the border with Mexico

Donald trump is preparing to withdraw troops from the border with Mexico Operation “True patriot” quietly winding down. Upstairs Almost six thousand U.S. troops sent to the border with Mexico two weeks ago, in order not to miss the U.S. a caravan of migrants in the next few days will return home. This was stated in an interview with Politico, Lieutenant General Jeffrey Buchanan. Collapsing loudly declared the operation “a True patriot” approved critics in their opinion that it was just a political stunt ahead of midterm elections. As reported in an interview with Politico, the commander of the land forces command of the U.S. armed forces in the area of North America, Lieutenant General Jeffrey Buchanan sent two weeks ago to the border with Mexico 5.8 thousand military will gradually return. First, the military will start to leave the border areas where they were deployed in the framework announced

The EU stood up for the Ukrainian court

The EU stood up for the Ukrainian court What threatens Russia the position of Europe on the sea of Azov. Upstairs The European Union has threatened Russia with “specific measures” because of the situation in the Azov sea. Brussels believes that the conflict between Moscow and Kiev not only affects the Ukrainian economy, but also on ships under the flags of European countries. In light of this, the EU calls on Moscow to stop the excessive inspection, said the head of European diplomacy Federica Mogherini: “We make it clear to the Russian side that the expected change in the situation in the Azov sea, and also study possible measures that can be taken. In particular, the Commission engaged them to support the regions of Ukraine affected by the situation. Later it will be made official statement on this issue.” The intensification of the conflict in the sea of Azov between

The interior Ministry has proposed to return to Russia termless residence permit

The interior Ministry has proposed to return to Russia termless residence permit MOSCOW, 20 Nov — RIA Novosti. Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia offers to return the indefinite residence permit for foreign citizens, the bill will be submitted to the government in November, said the acting head of the main Department for migration Affairs of the Ministry of Valentina Kazakova. Upstairs “Changing the validity period of the residence permit. Received a large number of cases, when people forgot to renew the residence permit of five years has expired. A foreign national who permanently live on the territory of the Russian Federation, receives pension benefits, may elect and be elected, is the situation of the newly arrived foreign citizen”, — said Kazakov during a speech at the meeting of the Duma Committee on CIS Affairs. According to her, the bill provides for the return of indefinite duration residence permit, which

Putin promised the army a large-scale change

Putin promised the army a large-scale change Large-scale modernisation of the Armed forces will preserve strategic parity and will protect Russia from external threats, said President Vladimir Putin. About it reports “Interfax” on Tuesday, November 20. Upstairs “By 2021 the share of modern weapons and equipment in the army and Navy shall not be less than 70 percent,” — said the head of state in a meeting on military issues in Sochi. Putin noted that such large-scale re-equipment of troops will allow us to address the complex challenges facing the army. October 25, the President ordered to raise the level of combat and operational training of the Russian troops. The Supreme commander urged the military “to take fully into account the experience of military operations in Syria.” In November last year, Putin announced the increase in production of military products. He noted that this should prepare all major private and

Russia and India signed contracts for the supply and construction of frigates

Russia and India signed contracts for the supply and construction of frigates MOSCOW, 20 Nov — RIA Novosti. Russia and India signed a package of contracts involving supply and production in India of Russian frigates of project 11356, told reporters Tuesday in a press-service of Federal service for military-technical cooperation. Upstairs The parameters of the contracts is not specified, but according to unofficial data, the amount of the contract for the supply of two ready-made vehicles is about $ 950 million. The newsmedia learned about the final decision of India to buy the s-400 “The signing of construction contracts in the interests of the Indian Navy frigates of project 11356. This is another important event in the development of Russian-Indian military technology cooperation”, — said in the service. An intergovernmental agreement on production in the interests of the Navy of India a series of frigates of project 11356 was signed

In the Kremlin consider that the letter of American senators is putting pressure on Interpol

In the Kremlin consider that the letter of American senators is putting pressure on Interpol MOSCOW, 20 Nov — RIA Novosti. Us senators urging to oppose the candidacy of Russians applying for the post of head of Interpol, grossly interfere in the election process, said press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. Upstairs “I guess it is a kind of interference in the electoral process in elections in international organizations. And how else to evaluate? Here is a visual manifestation,” — said Peskov reporters. A group of four U.S. senators called on the administration of Donald trump and the General Assembly of Interpol to act against the candidacy of major General of the interior Ministry of Russia Alexander Prokopchuk, which is one of the contenders for the head of Interpol. “This letter we have not seen, we have read the relevant media reports,” — said Peskov. He agreed with the

Peskov said that Russia is not the de jure private military companies

Peskov said that Russia is not the de jure private military companies Moscow. 20 Nov. INTERFAX.RU Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov referred to the defense Ministry the issue of treatment of certain veterans ‘ organisations to the international criminal court on the activities of private military companies (PMCs). Upstairs “Perhaps, after all, this issue relates more to the competence of the Ministry of defense, because, you see, de jure we have no such entities as private military companies in accordance with our legislation,” — said Peskov told journalists on Tuesday. So he responded to the request of journalists to comment on reports that soldiers of the Russian PMC and some veterans ‘ organizations have asked the international criminal court to initiate investigations against the organizers of the PMC. NewsAlien war. How to make private military companies Peskov stressed that this issue is “more in the competence of law

Seniors are encouraged to remain with the police

Seniors are encouraged to remain with the police The Ministry of interior to increase the age limit for their employees for five years. Upstairs The higher ranks of the interior Ministry will be able to work at their posts longer by at least five years. The interior Ministry has developed a bill that increases the upper limit of retirement for its employees. The Agency’s initiative may be the beginning of pension reform in law enforcement agencies under the scheme of the civil service, but while we are talking only about senior officers — and not talking about the key system gaspensis the interior Ministry the number of years of service. The interior Ministry has proposed to increase the age limit of service for senior officers. The Agency has published the bill on the portal regulation.gov.ru. Thus, the interior Ministry proposes to increase the age limit of stay on service for