The hackers said about the cooperation of scientist Sutyagin with Integrity Initiative

The hackers said about the cooperation of scientist Sutyagin with Integrity Initiative LONDON, Nov 24 — RIA Novosti. Published by the Anonymous group of hackers papers have argued that the Russian scientist Igor Sutyagin, convicted in 2004 for espionage and later pardoned, has partnered with the British cluster, created by the Integrity Initiative project to combat the misinformation. Upstairs According to the hackers, the Integrity Initiative was used by London to interfere in the internal Affairs of European countries. Anonymous calls this project “the secret service” and said that it was founded in the year 2015 for the information counter Russia and funded by the British government. According to the published materials, the project was created in Europe clusters, which had become constituent elements of the research network and to develop measures to counter Russian influence. The same cluster was created, and in Britain, among its employees including financier William

The United States accused Russia of trying “to destroy the aspirations of Ukraine to the West”

The United States accused Russia of trying “to destroy the aspirations of Ukraine to the West” WASHINGTON, Nov 24 — RIA Novosti. The official U.S. state Department spokesman Heather Nauert on Friday issued a statement in connection with the 85th anniversary from the period of mass famine in Ukraine, stating that “the Ukrainians again to die” from Russia’s actions. Upstairs The famine of 1932-1933 covered the main grain regions of the USSR — Ukraine, North Caucasus, Lower and middle Volga region, a considerable part of the Central Chernozem region, Kazakhstan, Western Siberia, southern Urals. Then, according to various estimates, killed from 7 to 8 million people, of which 3-3. 5 million — in Ukraine, 2 million in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, 2-2,5 million in the RSFSR. “This month, we join Ukrainians around the world to mark the 85th anniversary of the Holodomor, when the regime of Joseph Stalin deliberately starved millions

Milon is ready to try to live on the cones and bark

Milon is ready to try to live on the cones and bark The Deputy of the state Duma, United Russia Vitaly Milonov ready to repeat the experiment a colleague, the Deputy of the Saratov regional Duma from the Communist party Nikolai Bondarenko, who tried to live on 3500 roubles a month. Upstairs At the same time, Milon does not consider such a subsistence level is normal and doesn’t support officials who tried to convince the citizens. “I think any person could live. Another question is, at what price and for what,” said Milon edition iReactor. He noted that, if we follow the logic of the economy, “and without money you can live”. “Unable to leave the forest and there are cones and bark, but that does not mean that it is normal,” — said the Deputy. While Milonov is not afraid to repeat the experiment, Bondarenko, and even willing to

Putin praised the new format of the meeting of the Presidium of the state Council

Putin praised the new format of the meeting of the Presidium of the state Council The President of Russia Vladimir Putin considers it necessary to continue the activities of the working group of Presidium of the state Council, which prepared the current meeting on the implementation of the “supercase” the head of state, said Moscow mayor Sergei Sobyanin, who headed a working group. Upstairs Sobyanin noted that, according to the Russian leader, such work is necessary to “listen to each other, in time to correct in time to correct decisions, to make them more effective.” Topic “supercase” the head of state is the most important for the state, said Sobyanin. According to him, the second such opportunity — when allocating so many resources, tools to address national goals — the country will not. “In fact, the country has concentrated all that is possible, said, “Let us a breakthrough way to

Expert: the new format of the state Council of the Russian Federation allows to discuss Federal policy with the regions

Expert: the new format of the state Council of the Russian Federation allows to discuss Federal policy with the regions According to the Director of the Institute of the newest States Alexey Martynov, the new format was “a different view of the system of public administration”. Upstairs MOSCOW, November 23. /TASS/. The new format of an extended meeting of the Presidium of the State Council of the Russian Federation makes it a platform for discussing Federal policies with regional participation. This opinion was expressed in an interview with TASS on Friday, the Director of the Institute of the newest States Alexey Martynov. November 23, held an enlarged meeting of the Presidium of RF State Council dedicated to the execution of may orders of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin. Speaking during the meeting, the President noted that he expects real results of the implementation of national projects, and encouraged to

“Who does not listen to Lavrov, will listen Shoigu”. The foreign Ministry assessed the situation with the INF Treaty

“Who does not listen to Lavrov, will listen Shoigu”. The foreign Ministry assessed the situation with the INF Treaty GENEVA, November 23 — RIA Novosti, Elizabeth Isakov. Russia hopes that the USA will not take any hasty steps in connection with the Treaty on the elimination of intermediate and shorter-range missiles (INF Treaty), said RIA Novosti Director of the Department of foreign Affairs on non-proliferation and arms control Vladimir Ermakov. Upstairs The Treaty on the elimination of intermediate-range and shorter-range agreement between the USSR and the USA, signed in 1987: the parties undertook to destroy all systems of ballistic and cruise missiles, ground-based medium (1000-5500 km) and smaller (500 to 1000 km) range, and not produce, not to test and not to deploy them in the future. The twentieth of October the President of the United States Donald trump has threatened to withdraw from the INF Treaty, since Moscow, in

The Federation Council approved the law on taxes for the self-employed

The Federation Council approved the law on taxes for the self-employed MOSCOW, November 23 — RIA Novosti. The Federation Council at session on Friday has approved a package of laws on taxes for the self-employed. Upstairs According to the documents, 2019-2028 years in Moscow, Tatarstan, the Moscow and Kaluga regions will host the experiment on input tax on professional income (NAPs) for the self-employed. A new regime will be able to move the citizens, whose income does not exceed 2.4 million rubles a year. They should not be employer and employees, but can receive income from the use of the property. If self-employed selling goods, work, services, or property rights to individuals, the tax rate will be four percent. In that case, if the consumer will act as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity — six percent. In this experiment participants are exempt from the 13 percent personal income tax.

Putin said about the need for a real increase of salaries and pensions of Russians

Putin said about the need for a real increase of salaries and pensions of Russians The President of Russia Vladimir Putin at the enlarged meeting of the Presidium of the state Council of Crimea declared the need for a real increase of salaries and pensions of citizens, noting that these indicators should not be averaged. Upstairs According to him, the aim of the country’s leadership should be a real change in the situation for citizens in a better way. Specific results we must achieve not in institutions, and in areas where people live. In the cities, towns, villages. We need people to see these results.Mr Putinprime Russia In early may Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree “On the national goals and strategic objectives development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024”. The document provides, among other things, a halving in poverty, increasing life expectancy to 78

The murder of the Russian Ambassador in Turkey Andrey Karlov referred to the court

The murder of the Russian Ambassador in Turkey Andrey Karlov referred to the court The indictment States that the assassination was organized by “a terrorist organization of Fethullah gülen.” According to experts, this version — in the interests of Russian-Turkish relations. Is it possible to believe in it? Наверх13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий The case of the assassination of the Russian Ambassador in Turkey Andrey Karlov referred to the court, told the Anadolu Agency. In the indictment for the murder of a diplomat says that the assassination was organized by “a terrorist organization of Fethullah Gulen,” whose supporters allegedly attempted a military coup in Turkey in July 2016 and was engaged in “espionage activities”. The document stresses that the attack on Charles is a provocation with the aim of harming Turkish-Russian relations. In the list of accused 28 people, including himself, 77-year-old Gulen, who lives in Pennsylvania North American rector of the University of

The annual press conference, Putin will be held on December 20

The annual press conference, Putin will be held on December 20 Moscow. 23 Nov. INTERFAX.RU the President will respond to media questions in this format for the 14th time. Upstairs Traditional press conference of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin will be held this year on Thursday 20 December and will start at noon, the press service of the Kremlin. On the website of the Russian President on Friday opened the accreditation for participation in this event. This will be the fourteenth Putin’s communication with journalists in this format. Last year it attracted a record number of representatives of Russian and foreign media over 1600. Traditionally, Putin’s communication with journalists lasts several hours. The record was set in 2008, when the press conference lasted four hours and forty minutes, during which the head of state answered more than one question. Last year, the press conference lasted three hours and forty