Which means the introduction of martial law in Ukraine

Which means the introduction of martial law in Ukraine The national security Council (NSDC) of Ukraine has decided to impose martial law in the country for 60 days. This decision must be approved by Verkhovna Rada of the country. What does this step mean — in the material “Kommersant”. Upstairs Martial law, according to the Law “On legal regime of martial law” is a special legal regime, which is administered in the event of armed aggression against Ukraine or attack, danger to the independence and territorial integrity of the state. The document stipulates a number of restrictions and other measures, in particular: in the period of the martial law powers of the President cannot be stopped. In the case that the term of office of the President expires during the state of war, he continues his work until the expiration of martial law; introduced enhanced security features; enterprises any form

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine in the Black sea. What happened

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine in the Black sea. What happened FSB wounded Ukrainian sailors. Criminal case about violation of the state border. Upstairs The chronology of events in Black sea In the morning, 25 November, the press service of the Ukrainian Navy reported that two Ukrainian boats — “Berdyansk” and “Nikopol”, as well as inshore tug “Yana Kapu” planning shifted from the port of Odessa to the port of Mariupol of the Azov sea. However, the Russian ships had taken “aggressive actions”: border cruiser “don” rammed the tug. Navigation through the Kerch Strait are regulated by Russian authorities, who, according to the Ukrainian Navy, on the eve of received information about the movement of Ukrainian ships. After about an hour the incident was commented by the Federal security service of Russia. The Minister said that the two artillery boats and tug naval forces of Ukraine illegally crossed the

The army of Ukraine given in full combat readiness

The army of Ukraine given in full combat readiness Units of the Armed forces of Ukraine given in full combat readiness. It is reported the country’s defense Ministry. Upstairs Units of the Armed forces of Ukraine given in full combat readiness. It is reported the country’s defense Ministry. “Based on the decision of the Council of national security and defense Council (NSDC) of Ukraine on introduction of the legal regime of martial law the chief of the General staff — chief of the Armed forces of Ukraine has ordered the enforcement of connections and parts of Armed forces of Ukraine in combat readiness “full”, — stated in the message. Due to the collision of Ukrainian and Russian ships off the coast of the Crimea Ukrainian authorities plan to enter the country under martial law. This question on Monday will consider the Verkhovna Rada. Poroshenko stressed that the military situation does

Ukraine has demanded from Russia to return sailors and to compensate for the losses

Ukraine has demanded from Russia to return sailors and to compensate for the losses The foreign Ministry of Ukraine has demanded from Russia to return the sailors of the ships of the Ukrainian naval forces detained for violation of the Russian border. This was reported on the website of the foreign Ministry. Upstairs “Ukraine needs to urgently render medical aid to the wounded soldiers, to secure their immediate safe return to their Homeland, and to return captured military equipment and to compensate the Ukrainian side caused her damage,” — said in Kiev. Also, Ukraine does not recognize the Russian status of Crimea and its surrounding waters, put all the responsibility for the further escalation of the situation in the black sea to Russia. Official Kiev appealed to the allies and partners to provide military assistance to Ukraine and to take measures to deter Russia, including due to the use of

Russia has requested an urgent meeting of the UN security Council on the situation in the Azov sea

Russia has requested an urgent meeting of the UN security Council on the situation in the Azov sea UN, November 26 — RIA Novosti. Russia requested an emergency meeting of the members of the UN security Council at 11 a.m. Monday (19.00 GMT) on the situation in the Azov sea, reported to journalists the Deputy permanent representative of the Russian Federation at the world organization’s Dmitry Polyanskiy. Upstairs “Due to the dangerous development of the situation in the Azov sea and the ensuing events Russia has requested the urgent convening of an open meeting of the security Council on the morning of 26 November, on the agenda item “Maintenance of international peace and security,” said Polyansky. The meeting is tentatively scheduled for 19: 00 Moscow time, he added. Read also: Poroshenko announced the transition of Ukraine to the military situation

NATO spokesman called for de-escalation in the Azov sea

NATO spokesman called for de-escalation in the Azov sea The EU, in turn, recommended that all parties to maximum restraint. Upstairs NATO spokesman Oana Lungescu said that the Alliance is closely following the developments around the sea of Azov and the Kerch Strait, is in contact with the Ukrainian authorities and calls for restraint and de-escalation, RIA Novosti reported. “NATO fully supports the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, including the rights of navigation in its territorial waters. We call upon Russia to ensure unhindered access of Ukrainian ports in Azov sea in accordance with international law”, — reads the statement of the Alliance. In turn, the EU called on all parties to exercise maximum restraint in the sea of Azov, noting that “tensions dangerously increased” after the incident, which occurred on the morning of 25 November. “We hope that Russia will restore freedom of passage through the Kerch Strait,

Poroshenko announced the transition of Ukraine to the military situation

Poroshenko announced the transition of Ukraine to the military situation President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko submitted to the Verkhovna Rada a question of the introduction of martial law. He declared it during meeting of Council of national security and defense Council (NSDC) broadcast led the TV channel “112 Ukraine”. Upstairs According to the Chairman of the national security Council Alexander Turchinov, the war Cabinet convened on the eve of the President, “stated that the attack by the Russian military on Navy ships is nothing more than an act of military aggression”. Martial law means that the military command is vested with extraordinary powers, restricting the rights and freedoms of the population. In particular, it is possible to introduce labor conscription for all able-bodied citizens, to use the premises and equipment of the enterprises for needs of defence, to introduce a normalized provision of food and medicines, as well as to

Poroshenko has convened a war Cabinet because of the situation in the Azov sea

Poroshenko has convened a war Cabinet because of the situation in the Azov sea The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has convened a war Cabinet due to the shelling of three boats by Russia in the Kerch Bay. About it his press Secretary Svyatoslav Tsegolko wrote in Twitter account. Upstairs “Due to the extraordinary events on the sea of Azov, the President has convened a war Cabinet”, — he said. Previously, on 25 November it became known about the capture of Russian commandos three Ukrainian ships. It was noted that small armored artillery boat “Berdyansk” and “Nikopol” struck by enemy fire and lost speed, and RAID tug “Yana Kapu” forced to stop. The armed forces of Kiev reported about two wounded Ukrainian military seamen. Prior to this, the FSB reported that three ships of naval forces of Ukraine entered the Russian temporarily closed the waters and move from the Black

Mogherini urged restraint in the sea of Azov

Mogherini urged restraint in the sea of Azov BRUSSELS, 25 Nov. /TASS/. The European Union urges Russia and Ukraine to show restraint in the sea of Azov to deescalate the situation. This is stated in the statement of the foreign service of the EU, statement on Sunday in Brussels. Upstairs “We expect that Russia will restore freedom of passage through the Kerch Strait and urge everyone to exercise utmost restraint, to immediately deescalate the situation”, — stated in it. The document stresses that “tensions in the sea of Azov and the Kerch Strait today has grown dangerously”. “As stated by the EU high representative [Federica Mogherini], events in the sea of Azov is a demonstration of how the instability and tensions will inevitably increase when you ignore the basic rules of international cooperation, the statement reads. — The European Union expects that Russia will stop the inspection [of ships in

Lavrov did not rule out new provocations by the US against Russia

Lavrov did not rule out new provocations by the US against Russia Political power in the United States can resort to new provocations against Russia. This statement was made by Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov on November 25 in the program “Moscow. The Kremlin. Putin”. Upstairs “We can’t vouch for what those domestic political forces in the United States, are doing their best to undermine the presidency of Donald trump, will not resort to new provocations. Rather, quite the contrary. Certainly attempt new provocations, and attempts to damage our relationship, will be”, — quotes the head of the Russian foreign Ministry, the Agency “RIA Novosti”. However, this situation does not negate the need for dialogue. According to Lavrov, is “a sacred duty” — to do everything to make contacts between the presidents of the “two great countries” was held. Earlier, Lavrov in an interview with