The ECHR found bans gay parades in Russia is illegal, but the money was not awarded. Why?

The ECHR found bans gay parades in Russia is illegal, but the money was not awarded. Why? The European court of human rights (ECtHR) has considered the complaint of the leader of the Moscow LGBT community, Nikolay Alexeyev and other activists on the ban of the local authorities to hold gay pride parades. Upstairs Eight years ago the ECtHR on a similar complaint ruled that Russia must pay 12 euros for moral damage and 17.5 thousand euros for the reimbursement of litigation costs. However, this time the activists did not receive compensation, although the court acknowledged that their rights have been violated. Seven of the plaintiffs demanded from five to 500 thousand euros, and the payment of fines and transport costs. Why this time the ECHR refused to award the money? Alekseev and six against Russia In the case considered by the ECHR in 2010, Nikolai Alekseev were the only

The FSB published a list of weapons found on arrested ships of the Ukrainian Navy

The FSB published a list of weapons found on arrested ships of the Ukrainian Navy MOSCOW, November 27. /TASS/. The FSB has published on its website a list of weapons found on apprehended while attempting passage in the Kerch Strait military ships of the Ukrainian Navy. Наверх8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий On Board they had four 30-mm guns, four automatic grenade launcher AGS-17 and four PKT machine-gun (cannon 30 mm AGS-17 and PBC represent one artillery, only four of them — two on each boat). In addition, we found two DShK 12.7 mm, 13 AK-47 rifles, four pistols, a traumatic pistol, a flare gun, more than 765 high-explosive projectiles caliber 30 mm, 1975 rounds for the grenade VOG-17 and 495 — to the grenade launcher VOG, 40 grenades RGD-5, 48 grenades RG-42, RGD 20 grenades, a large quantity of ammunition, 15 bayonets. Newsthe Worsening of relations between Russia and Ukraine in the Black sea.

The national security Council said the timing of the introduction of martial law in Ukraine

The national security Council said the timing of the introduction of martial law in Ukraine Moscow. 27 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — IN the Council of national security and defense Council (NSDC) explained how and where to act martial law imposed by the decree of the President of Petro Poroshenko and supported by Parliament. Upstairs “In accordance with the law of Ukraine “On approval of decree of the President of Ukraine “On introduction of martial law in Ukraine” (No. 9338), adopted by Parliament on 26 November, the military situation in Ukraine, introduced in Vinnytsia, Luhansk, Mykolaiv, Sumy, Odesa, Kharkiv, Chernihiv, Donetsk, Zaporozhye and Kherson areas, and also in the internal waters of the Azov-Kerch water area from 14:00 on 26 Nov at 14:00 26 Dec 2018“, — stated in the press service of the NSDC, published on Tuesday. The Council of national security and defense reminded that the law initiated by the

Assange gave the cat, who lived with him in the Embassy of Ecuador in London

Assange gave the cat, who lived with him in the Embassy of Ecuador in London MOSCOW, 27 Nov — RIA Novosti. Founder of the portal WikiLeaks Julian Assange, who for more than six years hiding in the Embassy of Ecuador in London, voluntarily abandoned cat, skrashivalo his life in the shelter, said Hannah Jonasson, editor of the site Justice for Assange. Upstairs In mid-October it became known that Ecuadorian diplomats made up for Assange special rules of conduct. In particular, the Embassy is Assange himself obliged to feed your pet and clean up after him. In case of violation of the Embassy staff threatened to put an animal in a shelter. “Angered by this threat, he (Assange) has asked his lawyers to transfer the cat to a safe place. Now the cat is from the family of Assange. They will meet on freedom”, — the activist wrote on Twitter. Assange

Medvedev commented on the introduction of martial law in Ukraine

Medvedev commented on the introduction of martial law in Ukraine MINSK, Nov 27 — RIA Novosti. The introduction of martial law in Ukraine in some areas of the country after the incident in the Kerch Strait gives the opportunity to the Kiev authorities to “Flex its muscles”, or in 2019 to abandon the election of the President, said Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. Upstairs “The introduction of this martial law, which gives the possibility of the current government at least a little to Flex its muscles, to increase support from the population is one of the possible options. But, as may be the maximum option to be considered, I mean simply a rejection of the elections”, — said Medvedev told reporters. He noted that similar predictions a year ago was made by Ukrainian intelligence. Medvedev in Belarus assessed the chances of Poroshenko in the elections of the President of Ukraine: to

The Austrian foreign Minister said about the possibility of new sanctions against Russia after the incident in the Strait

The Austrian foreign Minister said about the possibility of new sanctions against Russia after the incident in the Strait Moscow. 27 Nov. INTERFAX.RU foreign Minister of Austria Karin Kneissl on Tuesday admitted the possibility that, depending on the results of the analysis of the incident between Russia and Ukraine, the EU will consider the issue of strengthening sanctions against Russia. About it reports Bloomberg. Upstairs “We are going to consider issue of further sanctions. It all depends on examination of the facts”, — quotes Agency the words of Kneissl, said after a meeting with the foreign Minister of Germany Heiko Maas. She said that we are talking about verifiable facts pertaining to the incident between Russia and Ukraine in the Kerch Strait. Kneissl added that this issue will be discussed at the next meeting of foreign Ministers of the EU countries. 25 November in the area of the Kerch Strait,

SBU was suspected of eight Russian military involvement in the incident in the Kerch Strait

SBU was suspected of eight Russian military involvement in the incident in the Kerch Strait Moscow. 27 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — the security Service of Ukraine together with the military Prosecutor’s office announced on suspicion of eight Russian military involved in the arrest of Ukrainian sailors in the Kerch Strait on November 25, announced on Tuesday a press-the Secretary of genprokurora of Ukraine Larisa Sargan. Наверх8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий Investigators of the security Service of Ukraine in Odessa region and military prosecutors of the southern region of Ukraine announced the military personnel of Border service and the armed forces, “attacked the Ukrainian sailors” of the suspicion on a number of criminal charges, including “preparation, initiation and waging aggressive war”, “murder” and others, wrote Gar on Facebook. In her words, “the suspicion is directed at the place of military service of the Russian Federation”. The court will direct the petition for election of a measure

As fighters from the Central African Republic trade in oil and diamonds

As fighters from the Central African Republic trade in oil and diamonds The civil war — a source of enrichment for the militants. Tell with whom they do business and what’s the Russian. Upstairs The rich of gold and diamonds in the North-Eastern Central African Republic, fighting for access to which has joined Russia and China in the past two decades changed hands. And it is not the government, and the leaders of the militants, who in the pursuit of the right to own natural resources consumed hundreds of civilians and put “under the gun” children-countrymen. But the Europeans and Americans that help to change the resources for money, such trifles do not confuse. The civil war in the Central African Republic is not a confrontation between religions or tribes, but only the struggle for resources. Ethnic cleansing and the killing of infidels serve one purpose: to oust competitors from

Peskov called martial law is an internal affair of Ukraine

Peskov called martial law is an internal affair of Ukraine MOSCOW, 27 Nov — RIA Novosti. The introduction of martial law in some areas of Ukraine is the internal affair of Kiev, said the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. Upstairs “But, of course, against the background of the electoral process, of course, such a step as the introduction of martial law, has a special and little camouflaged color,” he added. According to Peskov, the decision could potentially lead to escalation of the situation in the Donbass. He also noted that Vladimir Putin will soon announce its position regarding the situation with the violation of Ukrainian ships to the Russian border. As stressed by the press Secretary, underestimate the value and danger of such provocations would not be correct, for the President is a very serious matter. Helpthe Azov crisis As Russia and Ukraine brought the situation to open

The Ural Deputy, who called the GULAG “good thing”, explained his words

The Ural Deputy, who called the GULAG “good thing”, explained his words EKATERINBURG, 27 Nov — RIA Novosti. The Deputy Gordumy Ekaterinburg Andrey Pirozhkov, who had earlier said that the GULAG “was a good thing,” explained that empathizes convicted, but it supports the idea of labor camps without violence and lawlessness. Upstairs Pies earlier in an interview with the Village suggested that prisoners in labor camps “was good” when they are under the supervision of the work for the good of society, which he called the GULAG “good thing”. The words of the policy and other “young Communists” in the age of 23 years, which justified repression, caused a public outcry. “From the interviews we can conclude that I do not empathize with the innocent convicted and sent to labor camps people. Labor camps in Soviet times — an example of the system that should never be reconstructed neither in