Ramzan Kadyrov: “the Caucasus and Russia as a whole need to unite, not to erect posts”

Ramzan Kadyrov: “the Caucasus and Russia as a whole need to unite, not to erect posts” The regions of the North Caucasus should abandon the checkpoints at the administrative borders, the Caucasus and Russia “as a whole need to unite, not to erect the posts.” This opinion in telegram channel was expressed by the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov. Upstairs Kadyrov writes that from the posts between the republics “virtually no benefits”. “Against the bandits? But they will pass on any other roads. However, being in one state and in one district people and vehicles are forced to spend time going through posts”, — explained his position politician. Kadyrov wrote that the proposal to merge the Caucasus and Russia, he said at the media Forum of the North Caucasus, and asked the heads of all regions to “solve the problem”. “All agreed! We will decide”, said Kadyrov. HelpChechnya and Ingushetia

Medvedev said that the increase in the retirement age the hardest decision in 10 years

Medvedev said that the increase in the retirement age the hardest decision in 10 years Moscow. 6 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev called the decision to raise the retirement age in Russia the most difficult over the last decade and said that it is designed for the long term. Upstairs “Obviously, it was a difficult decision. Frankly, it was the hardest decision power over the last decade. Initially, everyone knew who was involved in the preparation, decision, such decisions do not add to the power of popularity”, — Medvedev said on Thursday in an interview to TV channels. At the same time, stressed the head of government of the Russian Federation, “this hard-won decision.” Speaking about the validity of the decisions taken on pension reform in Russia, Medvedev said: We understand that such decisions can’t be reviewed often. Recall that previous decisions on this subject were accepted,

The US destroyer followed under control, “Admiral Tributs” and planes

The US destroyer followed under control, “Admiral Tributs” and planes MOSCOW, December 6 — RIA Novosti. The U.S. Navy destroyer followed under the control of a large anti-submarine ship “Admiral Tributs” and naval aircraft, said the Ministry of defence. Upstairs The Ministry stressed that the destroyer has ever approached Russian territorial waters closer than a hundred kilometers. “If the crew of the USS and “demonstrated” anything, it is his unsuccessful attempt at maximum speed to get away from accompanying the forces of the Pacific fleet,” — said the official representative of the defense Ministry major-General Igor Konashenkov. Currently, the crew of the USS McCampbell, Ural branch of the U.S. Navy “demonstrates” his bravery in the destruction of more than 400 kilometers from the territorial waters of the Russian Federation in the Central part of the sea of Japan.Igor Consenquences-major, the official representative of the Ministry of defense Yesterday it was

The constitutional court recognized the agreement on the border of Chechnya and Ingushetia

The constitutional court recognized the agreement on the border of Chechnya and Ingushetia Request Yunus-Bek Yevkurov satisfied. Upstairs The constitutional court (CC) of the Russian Federation annulled the decision of the constitutional court of the Ingushetia Republic, abolishing the 30 September agreement on the ratification of the border between Ingushetia and Chechnya, as well as enshrining his law Ingushetia. COP Ingushetia have decided that this issue should have been resolved in a referendum. But the constitutional court today announced a ruling which acknowledged that the constitutional court of Ingushetia was not authorized to verify the agreement between the regions to satisfy the request of the head of Ingushetia, Yunus-Bek Yevkurov. He appealed to the constitutional court on 8 November on the background of mass protest rallies in the country. The opposition has described the appeal of the head of the Republic to the constitutional court of Russia as a provocation

Western sanctions did not cause the Russians concern

Western sanctions did not cause the Russians concern Moscow. 6 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — More than half of Russians do not feel concern in connection with the sanctions pressure from the West on Russia, according to the survey “Levada-center”, received by “Interfax”. Upstairs According to the survey, 56% of Russians are not worried about sanctions, political and economic nature against Moscow. In turn, 43% of respondents have concerns about this. Sociologists reported that 79% of respondents consider it necessary for Russia to establish relations with the United States and other Western countries. 16% of respondents believe that this is not necessary, according to “Levada-center”. About one-third of Russians (31%), according to the survey, relate well to the USA, the opposite was reported by 57% of respondents. The positive attitude towards the EU announced every third Russian (36%), but a negative attitude almost every second (49%), according to “Levada-center”. In the study,

UK suspends the issuance of investment visas

UK suspends the issuance of investment visas Authorities in the UK from midnight on 7 December to suspend the issuance of investment visas (Tier-1) that were actively used by Russian entrepreneurs to obtain a residence permit in the Kingdom, according to Bloomberg. The home office explains that the reform aimed at combating money laundering and organized crime. Upstairs Already filed applications for investment visas will be considered on a routine basis, the admission of new stops until further notice, expected in 2019, the British government stated that the issuance of visas under the program of the Tier-1 are no longer available. We are talking about a simplified program of obtaining a permanent residence permit in the UK after five, three or two years in exchange for investments in the economy of the Kingdom of 2.5 or £ 10 million respectively. According to the home office for the past 10 years,

The US Navy destroyer “challenged the excessive claims of Russia”

The US Navy destroyer “challenged the excessive claims of Russia” MOSCOW, December 6 — RIA Novosti. American missile destroyer McCampbell was held on Wednesday in the vicinity of the Peter the Great Bay in Primorye, where the base of the Russian Pacific fleet, said the Navy. Upstairs “McCampbell sailed in the vicinity of the Peter the Great Bay, to challenge the excessive Maritime claims of Russia and to support the rights, freedoms and lawful uses of the sea, which is at the disposal of the United States and other countries,” — reads the statement of the representative of the American Pacific fleet, Rachel Makmur. The official representative of the Navy of the United States stressed that Washington does not recognize Russia’s claims to water areas, saying that Moscow claims in areas that far exceed 12 miles from the Russian coast under international law. The Peter The Great Gulf The Peter

The arrested human rights activist Lev Ponomaryov called the conditions in the chamber “torture”

The arrested human rights activist Lev Ponomaryov called the conditions in the chamber “torture” MOSCOW, 5 Dec. /TASS/. Human rights activist Lev Ponomarev, who was arrested for 25 days, described conditions in the detention center № 1 Moi of Russia in Moscow “torture”. About TASS reported the responsible Secretary of the Public monitoring Commission of Moscow on control over observance of human rights in places of deprivation of liberty, Ivan Melnikov, after the inspection of the detention center, where Wednesday was taken Ponomarev. Upstairs “The members of the PMC of Moscow visited the detention center for administrative detainees, which brought the 77-year-old human rights activist Lev Ponomarev. During the meeting with members of the Commission, he called the conditions of detention “torture”,” — said Melnikov. Executive Secretary of the PMC explained that it is first and foremost about beds and mattresses, which can not lie. “Ponomarev showed us the bed

The U.S. is considering a number of options to stop the “Nord stream-2”

The U.S. is considering a number of options to stop the “Nord stream-2” WASHINGTON, 5 Dec — RIA Novosti. The United States is considering a range of actions to halt the construction of the pipeline “Nord stream-2,” said the assistant to the President for national security John Bolton at the conference held by the Wall Street Journal (record of communication with Bolton published channel C-Span). Upstairs “So, a large number of sanctions against the Russians are already in place. And there will be more. The President constantly reiterates that Germany should cancel the project of the pipeline “Nord stream-2”. We look at a whole range of options that we could take in this direction,” said Bolton. Earlier, a senior official of the US state Department said in the course of communication with journalists that the incident with the detention of military ships of Ukraine in the Kerch Strait at the

The national Assembly of France approved a moratorium on raising taxes on fuel

The national Assembly of France approved a moratorium on raising taxes on fuel The French national Assembly approved the government’s proposals on the introduction of a six-month moratorium on raising taxes on fuel. In support of this voted 358 parliamentarians voted against 194, reports TASS. Наверх19фотографий19фотографий19фотографий Among other measures, supported by national Assembly, a temporary waiver of the tightening of rules of checkup of cars and increase in electricity tariff. The French authorities have decided to refuse to raise taxes on fuel after large-scale protests, which began throughout the country in November. Initially the stock “yellow jackets” started from a rise in petrol prices, later joined protesters dissatisfied with the government’s policy in General. The Paris city hall estimated the damage from the December riots in the €3-4 million, the French Government also allowed the introduction of a state of emergency in the country.