Lukashenka apologized to Putin after his speech “in bad shape”

Lukashenka apologized to Putin after his speech “in bad shape” President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko has apologized to Russian President Vladimir Putin over a dispute about the price for gas transportation. Mr Lukashenko has told, answering questions of journalists after the EurAsEC summit in St. Petersburg. Upstairs “In bad form (made.— “Kommersant”), so then I had to apologize to the host of today’s meeting. It was very rough explanation, but you’d better not to hear this,” said the President of Belarus. During the download an error has occurred. He also said that next week he plans to meet with Vladimir Putin to discuss any questions. “Next week we meet with the President of Russia and will dot the “i”, that we once again do not enter unresolved problems into the new year,” he added (quoted by “Interfax”). The President of Belarus at this meeting said about the high cost of

Lukashenko demanded from Putin’s United Russia gas prices

Lukashenko demanded from Putin’s United Russia gas prices According to the Belarusian President, the prices of fuel for his country is worse than Germany. Upstairs The presidents of Russia and Belarus Vladimir Putin and Alexander Lukashenko at the summit of the leaders of the Eurasian economic Union (EEU) to publicly argue about the price of Russian gas for Belarus. According to Lukashenko, the rate used by Gazprom to transport gas from the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous district to Byelorussia, is almost $3 for 1,000 cubic meters per 100 km, while the tariff for Russian consumers — about $1, that is, three times less. As a result of Russian gas for Belarus costs about $130 per 1,000 cubic meters, but the wholesale price to consumers of the Smolensk region (border with Belarus) is almost twice lower — $70. In the structure of gas prices for Belarus the share of fees for transportation through

At the Elysee Palace began to fear a coup in France

At the Elysee Palace began to fear a coup in France Moscow. 6 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — AT the Elysee Palace and government of France there is growing concern that the protesters can take up arms and attempt a coup, said on Thursday the TV channel BFM TV. Наверх18фотографий18фотографий18фотографий Concerns of the French authorities related, in particular, with the planned Saturday protest of the “yellow jackets” who promised to go to the Elysee Palace. According to one of representatives of movement Eric Drouet, the purpose of the protest action on Saturday to reach the Elysee Palace. “We all want to go to the Elysee Palace,” said he. In the administration of French President Emmanuel Macron not hide the concern that demonstrators may resort to force and try to carry out a coup. “This is a coup. We see the coup attempt”, — the newspaper Figaro, an unnamed representative of the Elysee

Putin appointed Rogozin as a special representative for cooperation in the field of space

Putin appointed Rogozin as a special representative for cooperation in the field of space The President of Russia Vladimir Putin has appointed the Director of the state Corporation “Roscosmos” as his special representative on international cooperation in the field of space. The decree published on the portal of legal information. Upstairs The document comes into force from the day of its publication, i.e. on 6 December. On 24 may, the President invited Rogozin to head Roskosmos. He promised to do “everything necessary” to justify the confidence of the President. Prior to that, from December 2011 he was Deputy Prime Minister in charge of the military-industrial complex. Under his leadership, the reform of the space industry, which appeared the state Corporation “Roscosmos”.

Rada adopted the draft expands controlled Kiev territory on the sea

Rada adopted the draft expands controlled Kiev territory on the sea MOSCOW, December 6 — RIA Novosti. The Verkhovna Rada adopted the law on the surrounding area that can extend to 12 miles controlled by the Kiev sea territory. Upstairs The document was supported by 244 deputies with the required minimum of 226 votes. In the first reading the Parliament adopted the bill on 8 November. In the explanatory note to the document States that after joining of Crimea to Russia Moscow is “illegal economic activities with the involvement of the merchant Navy under the Russian flag and the flags of third countries.” According to the authors, the bill “will create the Foundation for a substantial reduction of illicit traffic in the Black sea, prevent the violations of the state border have a positive impact on safe situation in the region and ensuring the economic sovereignty of Ukraine”. In addition,

Ukrainian border guards were allowed to shoot without warning

Ukrainian border guards were allowed to shoot without warning MOSCOW, December 6 — RIA Novosti. Ukrainian border guards were allowed to shoot without warning and to defeat the invasion on the territory of Ukraine or the attack on Ukrainian ships. Upstairs The document, which was adopted on Thursday the Parliament of Ukraine, it is noted that the guards can open fire without warning “to repel the armed attack and invasion on the territory of Ukraine of armed military groups and criminal gangs; armed conflicts and armed provocations; to repel the attack… on the ships (boats) and vessels of the State border service of Ukraine or other court of Ukraine”. The document defines and adjacent area of Ukraine: area of open sea adjacent to the territorial sea of Ukraine, the external boundary of which is at a distance of not more than 24 nautical miles. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine

Parliament approved the non-renewal of the Treaty of friendship and cooperation with Russia

Parliament approved the non-renewal of the Treaty of friendship and cooperation with Russia KIEV, December 6. /TASS/. The Verkhovna Rada approved the decision of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko about the non-renewal of the Treaty on friendship, cooperation and partnership between Ukraine and the Russian Federation, which will terminate April 1, 2019. Upstairs The corresponding bill introduced by the Ukrainian President on Thursday, supported 277 parliamentary deputies, while 226 votes required. “Cease from 1 April 2019, the Treaty on friendship, cooperation and partnership between Ukraine and the Russian Federation”, — stated in the text of the bill. The law shall enter into force on the day following the day of its publication. Meanwhile, the decree Poroshenko about the non-renewal of the agreement with Russia was published on 17 September this year. Two days later, a document formally entered into force. September 24, the Ukrainian foreign Ministry has sent a

The constitutional court rejected the complaint Alexei Navalny

The constitutional court rejected the complaint Alexei Navalny The constitutional court (CC) refused to consider the complaint Alexei Navalny on the practice of the Supreme court (SC) of article 7 of the law “On personal data”, allowing to refuse to provide citizens with information from the Unified state register of rights to real estate (EGRP). Upstairs Published today by the exemption the definition States that because “the administrative proceedings on the suit of the plaintiffs, including A. A. Navalny, was dismissed” and “the question of the legality of the contested actions of Rosreestr of the need to provide information from the USRR on the merits was not allowed,” the application of the contested norm in a particular case with the participation of the opposition “not confirmed”. The decision was made on November 26 in the closed mode. It is the eighth appeal of Alexei Navalny in the COP left without

Lukashenka argued with Putin on gas prices for Belarus

Lukashenka argued with Putin on gas prices for Belarus Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko at the meeting of the Supreme Eurasian economic Council has argued with Russian President Vladimir Putin on gas prices for Belarus. The broadcast led TV channel “Russia 24”. Upstairs During the meeting, Lukashenko said Belarus gas at the border with Smolensk region costs about $130 for 1 thousand cubic meters, while the price for consumers this area is $70. “As for the present situation, it is that important, not the tariff, but the final price of gas, which includes this rate… Pay attention to the fact that today the Republic of Belarus $129 per thousand cubic meters, next year will be $127, and in Germany — $250. And it is definitely a big advantage to our allies in the EEC, although, of course, we must strive for a complete unification,” commented Putin’s statement Lukashenko. The Russian President

Dmitry Medvedev’s interview to TV channels. The main thing

Dmitry Medvedev’s interview to TV channels. The main thing The head of government answered the questions live. Upstairs On pensions: “raising the retirement age was the hardest decision power over the last decade, but it suffered. The decision on retirement age in the long run, such decisions are often not reviewed”. “The growth of pensions in the future could only be ensured through pension reform. The pension increases will continue beyond the next six years” On food security: “We have decided the basic position on food security and we supply grain and other products to world markets. Our country, indeed, is the perfect place for feeding the entire planet”. On drugs: “drug Shortages and increase in prices are not expected”.