SBU was acquitted of charges of “financing terrorism” with Akhmetov, Ephraim, and Royal

SBU was acquitted of charges of “financing terrorism” with Akhmetov, Ephraim, and Royal KIEV, December 20. /TASS/. The security service of Ukraine (SBU) was acquitted of charges of “financing terrorism in Donbass” with the richest Ukrainian Rinat Akhmetov, the Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada from the faction Opposition bloc of Natalia Korolevska and former head of fraction of Party of regions in Parliament, Oleksandr Yefremov. On Thursday announced the MP Igor Lutsenko, by posting copies of the decisions on his page in Facebook. “A criminal case against these persons was closed, a senior investigator of the Main Department of the SBU in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions Stanislav Fesenko in connection with absence of structure of a crime under articles on the financing of terrorism and the creation is not stipulated by laws of Ukraine paramilitary formations or participation in their activities”, — the Deputy wrote. A criminal case on

Lithuania wanted to freeze the funds of Russian oligarchs

Lithuania wanted to freeze the funds of Russian oligarchs Lithuania wants to tighten sanctions against Russian citizens accused of human rights violations, and to freeze their assets in the country. About it reports Delfi with reference to the Minister of foreign Affairs Linas Linkevičius. Earlier, a similar initiative was made by the opposition conservatives and liberals, however, Linkevicius said that he supports the sanctions imposed on Russia ideologically, but he was not satisfied with the proposed version of the bill. The Minister stressed that the government will be able to analyze how such a law corresponds to the international policy of sanctions. He offered to prepare a new version of the law, after which the Lithuanian government is “ready to do it.” Thus, the government will create mechanisms that will allow to freeze the funds of businessmen and officials targeted by the sanctions. Amendments to the law will act in

Turkey suspected in the desire to convey to the Americans the Russian s-400 to study

Turkey suspected in the desire to convey to the Americans the Russian s-400 to study Turkey offered by American specialists to examine the Russian anti-aircraft s-400 after receiving them from Moscow. About Bloomberg said two people familiar with the source. Ankara has taken such a step to return the location of Washington after refusing to buy the American Patriot system, and Russian equipment. USA worried that the s-400 will be able not only to intercept the latest fighter F-35, but also to their performance characteristics for subsequent sending secret information to Moscow. 2 Dec the United States has put an ultimatum to Turkey: Ankara should abandon the deal with Moscow. Otherwise, the country may be deprived of membership in the F-35. Meanwhile, in November, the Turkish side recognized the impossibility of cancellation of agreements with Russia. In September 2017, Moscow and Ankara signed an agreement to supply Turkey systems s-400.

Peskov said the lack of mobile phone Putin

Peskov said the lack of mobile phone Putin MOSCOW, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin is no mobile phone, but it receives information in a variety of ways, including the Internet, said the press Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov. “There are folders with printouts, digests paper, TV digests. Very different” — said Peskov in interview to TV channel “Russia 24”, answering the question of how Putin gets his information. “He is in the computer to see the Internet,” he added. Thus, according to him, Putin’s personal mobile no. “As far as I know, his phone is not” — said Peskov. He also said that the Kremlin continue to use a closed connection. “Good old phone closed government when all smartphones will survive,” — said the spokesman. See also: to Reach the Kremlin. How does telephone communication between the kings and presidents.

U.S. senators called for action against Russia in the Black sea

U.S. senators called for action against Russia in the Black sea WASHINGTON, 19 Dec — RIA Novosti. More than 40 U.S. senators amid threats of Kiev to make a new provocation presented on Wednesday the project with a call to conduct a multinational operation in the Black sea with the aim of ensuring freedom of navigation. Earlier Wednesday, Secretary of the national security and defense of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov said that Kiev is planning to implement a new Ukrainian vessels passage through the Kerch Strait. The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov, in turn, noted that the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko is preparing a provocation at the end of December on the border with Russia. “The Senate calls on President to work with allies of the United States, in a short time active to lead a multinational operation to ensure freedom of navigation in the Black sea

The s-400 or patriot: what is the defense system gets the Turkey?

The s-400 or patriot: what is the defense system gets the Turkey? Turkey is negotiating with the U.S. on the acquisition of complex “patriot”, although a year ago she has already signed a contract to buy s-400 from Russia. The us state Department approved the sale of Turkish anti-missile complexes “patriot” in the amount of $ 3.5 billion. During the download an error has occurred. A year ago Turkey has already signed a contract with Russia for the supply of modern air defense systems s-400 on $ 2.5 billion. It was the first contract a member country of NATO to the Russian arms. Previously, the Pentagon warned that the acquisition of Turkey-400 will inevitably have negative consequences for us-Turkish relations and Turkey’s role in NATO. And Turkey itself reproached US that they do not sell it “patriot”.

The United States expanded sanctions against Russia

The United States expanded sanctions against Russia MOSCOW, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. The US Treasury expanded its sanctions against Russia. In particular, under the restrictions were 18 Russians, three companies and one Internet resource within the law CAATSA. In addition, under the sanctions were Anatoly Chapiha and Alexander Mishkin, which the West suspect in the poisoning Skrobala. The case has Скрипалей23 abramoviches the first images of “travel” Petrov and Bashirova in Солсбери23 nobreak arranged a bottle of “Novice”? Says the head of the investigation into Скрипалей23 nolapelestv in the case Skripal remaining “Newcomer” could poison thousands of people Also in the “black list” made an employee of the company Project Lakhta Elena Husainova. At the same time, the U.S. Treasury is going through 30 days to cancel the restrictions from En+, RUSAL and EuroSibEnergo. An earlier edition of the Wall Street Journal reported that co-owner “Rusala” businessman Oleg Deripaska

The U.S. Treasury will exclude RUSAL and En+ group from the sanctions list

The U.S. Treasury will exclude RUSAL and En+ group from the sanctions list The office for foreign assets control of the U.S. Treasury Department (OFAC) has notified Congress about plans to exclude from the sanctions list, En+ and RUSAL of Oleg Deripaska. The Ministry added that the Deripaska still in the black list, and assets of the businessman in which he owns more than 50%, will remain frozen. Oleg Deripaska and controlled assets have been included in the SDN list on 6 April. Made therein to natural persons and companies denied access to the U.S. financial system. The period after which all transactions with RUSAL and En+ have to be interrupted repeatedly postponed. In December a member of the foreign Affairs Committee of the U.S. Senate Robert Menendez wrote to the head of the U.S. Treasury Stephen Mnuchin a letter asking not to remove sanctions against the companies of mister

United States evacuated all of its diplomats from Syria during the day

United States evacuated all of its diplomats from Syria during the day The United States intends to evacuate from Syria all employees of the Department of State of the country within 24 hours. On December 19, reports Reuters. It is noted that within 60-100 days the United States also withdraw from the Syrian territory their troops, as moving to the “next stage campaign”. Earlier on December 19, the White house announced a new phase of military campaign in Syria and the withdrawal of troops from the country. This was reported by press Secretary of the White house Sarah Sanders. According to her, five years ago ISIS (banned in Russia — ed.) was a very powerful and dangerous force in the middle East, but the United States managed to destroy their territorial Caliphate. On the same day the President of the United States Donald trump announced the execution by the US

To allow Putin to grant political asylum to the accused from other countries

To allow Putin to grant political asylum to the accused from other countries MOSCOW, December 19. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin cancelled the grounds for refusal of granting political asylum, which was formerly set out in the Regulation on the procedure of granting of the Russian Federation for political asylum. The corresponding decree of the Russian leader published on the official Internet portal of legal information. In particular, the prohibition on granting asylum were distributed to foreigners and persons without citizenship who are “persecuted for the actions (inaction) recognized in the Russian Federation a crime, or been guilty of acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations”. Also, the prohibition applies to persons convicted or accused of committing crimes in Russia. The document contained eight grounds for refusing asylum. One of them has also been associated with the arrival requesting asylum to persons from countries “with the