Trump like wall project on the border with Mexico in the form of a palisade

Trump like wall project on the border with Mexico in the form of a palisade WASHINGTON, 22 Dec — RIA Novosti. The President of the United States Donald trump commended one embodiment of the construction of the border fence with Mexico. Trump has posted on Twitter a picture of steel palisade with sharpened peaks of a few meters. “The design of our steel barrier-fences — absolutely efficient and at the same time beautiful!” — wrote trump. A design of our Steel Slat Barrier which is totally effective while at the same time beautiful! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 21, 2018 The US President and Congress are traded on the funding of border security in the new budget bill. If the law won’t be accepted until midnight (8am Saturday GMT), in the United States is forced to reduce the number of ministries and departments.

Washington will provide assistance to Kiev in the amount of $10 million after the incident in the Kerch Strait

Washington will provide assistance to Kiev in the amount of $10 million after the incident in the Kerch Strait WASHINGTON, December 22. /TASS/ — the state Department said that they are taking this step jointly with the UK and Lithuania that also plan to increase assistance to Ukraine in the defense sphere. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий The United States will provide assistance to Ukraine in the amount of $10 million after the incident in the Kerch Strait. This is stated in a statement on Friday the statement of the Deputy head of the press service of the state Department Robert Palladino. It argues that in response to the “dangerous escalation by Russia” and its “unreasonable” action on 25 November in the Kerch Strait, the State Department, after the approval of Congress, “will provide an additional $10 million to increase the naval capacity of Ukraine”. According to Palladino, the US is taking this step

US intelligence has accused Russia and China of meddling in 2018 elections

US intelligence has accused Russia and China of meddling in 2018 elections WASHINGTON, 22 Dec — RIA Novosti. U.S. intelligence believes that Russia, China and Iran intervened in the mid-term elections in the U.S. in 2018, but the conclusions about the impact of such intervention on the results of the voting, this was stated by Director of national intelligence Daniel Coates. The Department has prepared a report on the intervention in the elections that will give the Department of homeland security and the attorney General of the United States. If they confirm made in document insights, this will trigger automatic sanctions against Russia, China and Iran according to the law “On combating the enemies of America through sanctions”. “Russia and other countries, including China and Iran, conducted operations to influence and propaganda campaigns against the United States to promote its own strategic interests,” the statement said. The intelligence did not

Fire and vest

Fire and vest French protesters outside the movement at the European level. On Saturday there will be already a “sixth act” protests of the French “yellow jackets.” Although about how and where they will be held, there is no consensus even within the movement itself, the administration of Versailles announced in advance that on this day, and the Palace and Park are closed for tourists. The most radical protesters propose to block the borders of France and begin to work together with like-minded people from neighboring countries. With details — the correspondent of “Kommersant” Alexei Tarkhanov. In the ranks of the “yellow jackets” — a French protest movement that originated in October, on Friday continued to discuss where to meet next Saturday afternoon. Some of the demonstrators in favour to return to Paris and show the government that the movement does not cease. One of the calls and sounds: “the

The President reviewed the year-end

The President reviewed the year-end Big press conference of Vladimir Putin was more popular than his other appearances on TV this year. Press conference of President Vladimir Putin on 20 December, which was broadcast on six TV channels, saw 11.3% of Muscovites — an average of 1.4 million people. This is evidenced by the preliminary data of Mediascope. Interest in broadcasting is on the decline after the annexation of Crimea in 2014. However, among the TV formats is being with the participation of heads of state remarks at a press conference in 2018 was the most popular. Fourteenth annual press conference of Vladimir Putin gathered at the screens of 11.3% of Muscovites over 18 years, according to the preliminary data of Mediascope. Among the inhabitants of the capital, who in those hours watching television, nearly two-thirds of viewers (64%) and in absolute terms, about 1.4 million people. The journalists communicate

The majority of Americans were dissatisfied with the trump

The majority of Americans were dissatisfied with the trump Moscow. 21 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — Most Americans are not satisfied with the work of Donald trump as President of the United States, according to a survey conducted Friday by the Associated Press. 56% of respondents expressed dissatisfaction with the work of the American President, while 42% approved of his actions. 58% (six of ten) believe that the President tried to obstruct the investigation into the alleged relations of his campaign to Russia. Moreover, among Americans there is no consensus about whether the merits for this reason, the tramp of impeachment. 51% of respondents believe that trump should be dismissed from the post of President of the country, if spectacular Robert Mueller finds that the President tried to hinder the work of the FBI, although I personally did not had damaging contacts with Russia. 46% of respondents, however, believe that in this

The European Union has extended sanctions against Russia

The European Union has extended sanctions against Russia The European Union extended sanctions against Russia for six months. This is stated in the message published on the website of the European Council. The validity of the restrictive measures was to expire on 31 January 2019. The decision stems from the report of the President of France Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel at the European Council summit on 13 December that progress in the implementation of the Minsk agreements no. “So it was decided to extend economic sanctions against Russia”, — stated in the message. According to TASS, a feature of the report lies in the fact that those responsible for the implementation of the Minsk agreements is considered to be only Moscow. Before the economic sanctions were extended on June 28. The motive is also inspired by the fact that Russia is “sufficiently complied with the Minsk agreement”.

Russia has expelled a Swedish diplomat

Russia has expelled a Swedish diplomat Russia has expelled an attache of the Swedish Embassy in Moscow Calle Kniivila. It is reported Expressen. According to the newspaper, Moscow’s decision was a response to the fact that Sweden has not issued a diplomatic visa to the two Russians. Expressen writes, without naming sources, the reason for the refusal was the fact that they have experience in the Russian intelligence service. The Swedish Embassy in Moscow did not comment on this information. “I have no comment about it. Contact the Ministry of foreign Affairs in Stockholm”, — said the Ambassador of Sweden, Peter Eriksson (quoted by “RIA Novosti”). Before becoming a diplomat, Knievel was a journalist, in particular, worked as the Moscow correspondent. He is the author of four books, including “Putin’s People” — the followers of the Russian President and “our Crimea” — about Russia’s joining of the Peninsula in 2014

Erdogan has postponed the start of military action in Syria

Erdogan has postponed the start of military action in Syria Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has postponed the timing of the start of the military operation in Syria, reports the Turkish news Agency “Anadolu”. According to the head of the state, a decision he took after his conversation with the US President Donald trump, contacts with representatives of the security institutions of Turkey and the United States, as well as the statements of the American side. “We are talking about the temporary postponement of the operation,” said Erdogan. According to him, Turkey should take steps to stabilize the situation in Syria. Ankara is not going to capture Syria, the military operation is a response to the actions of the terrorists in Syria. “Arabs, Kurds and Turkomans of Syria welcomed the military operation of Turkey. They trust Ankara,” said Erdogan, calling security in the region a priority for the country. In

Peskov said Putin’s words about the PMC

Peskov said Putin’s words about the PMC MOSCOW, 21 Dec — RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin could not comment on the activities of private military companies in Russia, because the law such organizations in the country, said the press Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov. At the annual press conference on Thursday, Putin was asked how he relates to the activities of the so-called PMC. The President said that if the company “Wagner” something breaks, the Prosecutor General’s office should give a legal assessment, if not — have the right to work anywhere in the world. Putin also noted that it is possible to ban all private security activities, but once you do that, “will come with a large number of petitions with the requirement to protect the labour market”, which employs about a million people. Putin on PMCs “Wagner”, their cooks and murder of journalists in