Lawyers of ex-chief of staff trump accidentally declassified details about his ties with Russia

Lawyers of ex-chief of staff trump accidentally declassified details about his ties with Russia The former head of the electoral headquarters of Donald trump by Paul Manafort passed sociological data related to the presidential elections in the United States, his business partner from Russia Konstantin Kilimnik. Is it in the US suspected of having links with Russian intelligence. Details of the connections of Manafort with Kilimnik came to light because of an error lawyers strategist. Protection of Manafort on Tuesday sent to the court of the district of Columbia its position regarding the allegations that their client violated the terms of a plea deal by lying during interrogation. According to advocates, all the “false statements” Manafort wearing “unintentional” nature. That Manafort lying to investigators and therefore lost the right to mitigate the punishment, announced in November, the office of spectracolor Robert Mueller, who is investigating the alleged Russian interference in

Rogozin called the withdrawal of the invitation in the USA “wonderful Santa Barbara”

Rogozin called the withdrawal of the invitation in the USA “wonderful Santa Barbara” The head of the Roscosmos, Dmitry Rogozin, in an interview with RBC said that he is ready to take Russia’s NASA Director Jim Bridenstine and potential us customers. The opinion his invitation in the US, Mr Rogozin called the “episode conflict” between the American President Donald trump and the U.S. Congress. Because of the failure of the summit of heads of Roskosmos and NASA would hurt the us side, says Dmitry Rogozin. “The interests of our country to support cooperation in space, because space does not forgive mistakes and rules of conduct for outer space written in blood”, — added the head of “Roskosmos”. In the Russian state Corporation said they would not give up cooperation with NASA, despite the cancellation of the visit of Dmitry Rogozin to the United States. “We are fulfilling our obligations on

From NASA get special of not invitation

From NASA get special of not invitation “Roscosmos” is in no hurry to react to the news about the cancellation of the visit of Dmitry Rogozin to the United States. Roscosmos has no plans to break contacts with NASA no part of the lunar program, no other issues, despite the “nasty surprise” in the form of cancellation of the invitation of the head of the state Dmitry Rogozin in the United States, told “Kommersant” in the Corporation. The head of the Agency Jim Bridenstine announced this decision in early January. But, as it became known””, “Roscosmos” has not yet been received from Washington of the formal refusal of the visit, scheduled for February 2019. All decisions about the response from the Russian side, according to “Kommersant”, will take in the first working week of January. In “Rosatom” have been reported failure of NASA to receive the head of the state

Peskov: Russia is not using people as pawns

Peskov: Russia is not using people as pawns Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov did not hear complaints about the possible exchange of the arrested in USA’s Butinai American Paul Whelan. “I such statements are not heard, so I can’t say anything,” — said Peskov reporters. In response to the question about the reasons for the detention of Whelan, he recalled that there were allegations of the security services, where the reason was stated, and also was the statement of the foreign Ministry. “I have nothing to add”, he concluded. Recall that the FSB detained Whelan December 28, 2018 for espionage. Criminal case is brought. The detainee is a citizen of Ireland, UK, USA and Canada. “In Russia never use people as pawns in the diplomatic game,” said Sands, commenting on a statement by the British foreign office. In Russia, conduct counterintelligence activities against those suspected of espionage activities

Veselnitskaya explained the charges in the United States attempt to conceal bribery in the adoption of the “Magnitsky act”

Veselnitskaya explained the charges in the United States attempt to conceal bribery in the adoption of the “Magnitsky act” Moscow. January 9. INTERFAX.RU — a Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya, which, according to media reports, in the United States charged with obstruction of justice, said that the way to interfere with her to present the facts of bribery of American justice and the Congress, upon adoption of the “Magnitsky act”. “Not knowing the nature and circumstances (the charges — if), I believe that this is designed not to allow me to carry out their professional activities in a way that is very much painful for the United States of America, and it is associated with the “Magnitsky act”, that sale of justice and of the Congress, which we can facts to say in their work”, — said the lawyer on air of TV channel “Russia-24 (VGTRK) on Wednesday. A criminal case

Intelligence services of Israel has declared readiness to prevent foreign intervention in their elections

Intelligence services of Israel has declared readiness to prevent foreign intervention in their elections Moscow. January 9. INTERFAX.RU — IN the General security service of Israel (Shabak) said Wednesday of readiness to prevent possible interference in the upcoming elections to the Knesset, reports the Associated Press. “The Shin bet wanted to make it clear that the state of Israel and its intelligence agencies have the means and capabilities to track, identify and prevent any attempt to influence (on the election — if) from abroad”, — said the Shin bet. The Agency notes that the statement was released amid media reports that the head of the Shin bet — Nadav Argaman told the associates about trying an unnamed foreign state to intervene with the help of cyber technologies in the April elections. “Suspicion fell on Russia, which is accused of trying to influence the 2016 elections in the United States to

Natalia Veselnitskaya fell under the accusations of the USA

Natalia Veselnitskaya fell under the accusations of the USA Than the well-known lawyer of the company Prevezon Holdings. Upstairs American prosecutors have indicted another Russian woman. This time the figurant of criminal case became the lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya. It is known that during the presidential race met in the U.S. with the son of Donald trump and several members of his staff. However, she is accused of not meddling in elections, and obstruction. And this story is not connected with the sensational meeting. Read more about the case — in reference to “Kommersant FM”. In 2013 Natalia Veselnitskaya acted as a lawyer for the company Prevezon Holdings, which is owned by Denis Katsyv near, the son of the Vice-President of Russian Railways. Died in prison of Sergey Magnitsky suspected his Foundation in the laundering of Russian money in the USA, supposedly Katsyv, has invested $230 million in real estate in

The US stated that they would not deploy troops on the Southern Kuriles in the event of their transfer of Japan

The US stated that they would not deploy troops on the Southern Kuriles in the event of their transfer of Japan TOKYO, January 9. /TASS/ — Earlier, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said that the country deployed in the U.S. armed forces is extremely important for peace and security. The US does not intend to deploy troops on the Islands of the southern Kuriles in the event of their transfer to Japan. This was stated Wednesday at a press conference in Tokyo the commander of US forces in Japan, Lieutenant General Jerry Martinez. “At this stage, — he said — the US has no plans to place troops there”. January 1, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in a televised interview, said that deployed the country’s armed forces of the United States is extremely important for peace and security in the far East. According to him, they are not hostile to Russia. Abe

In the “list of Titov” appeared seven names

In the “list of Titov” appeared seven names Moscow. January 9. INTERFAX.RU the So — called “London list Titov” in the near future be supplemented by the family of the Russian businessmen who declared in the international search. “This list really updated. Today we sent to the Prosecutor General another list, which consists of seven families, and we hope that it will continue the process of revision of a measure of restraint”, — said business Ombudsman Boris Titov on the video channel of the Prosecutor General “Aired” on Wednesday. In the “list of Titov” includes living abroad, Russian entrepreneurs against whom in Russia prosecuted and he elected a measure of restraint in form of arrest. Some of them arrest replaced with another preventive measure not involving deprivation of liberty, and they returned to Russia. The official representative of the Supervisory Department Alexander Kurennoy recalled that initially, “Titov list” consisted of

Free life Skrypali: why Moscow does not believe the British

Free life Skrypali: why Moscow does not believe the British Embassy of the Russian Federation called “stuffing” the publication of a new life Skrobala. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий The publication of the British newspaper the Telegraph about the life of Sergei and Yulia Skrobala after poisoning in Salisbury was another “information spreading”, said the Russian Embassy in London. As noted in the press-service Agency, reports that Skrypali moved to the South of England and changed the appearance, is nothing more than speculation of people who “supposedly versed in the British secret service”. While London has not provided official data on the location Skrobala as evidence of Russian involvement in the poisoning. The Russian Embassy in the UK commented on the recent article of the newspaper The Telegraph about the fate of ex-Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia. Reporters citing sources suggested that Skrypali at the moment, may still live somewhere in the