The co-Chairman “Other Russia” received three years in prison for arms smuggling

The co-Chairman “Other Russia” received three years in prison for arms smuggling Moscow. 7 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — Matveev-Kurgan district court of the Rostov region sentenced to three years of imprisonment of the co-Chairman “Other Russia” Alexander Averin for illegal possession and attempted smuggling of weapons, the press service of the unregistered party. Upstairs “Alexander Averin, one of the leaders of “Other Russia”, in Matveevo-Kurgan district court only got three years (of the colony — if) General regime”, — said “Interfax” in press-service. The co-Chairman “Other Russia” were detained on 7 April at the checkpoint Matveev Kurgan in the Rostov region. When crossing the Russian-Ukrainian border he found a Makarov pistol. Averin was charged under article 222 (illegal storage, transportation or carrying of weapons) and article 226.1 of the criminal code (smuggling of firearms or main parts), but later the court in the remand retrained its actions on the attempted smuggling

France has published a video in which the police have put more than a hundred detainees pupils on the knees

France has published a video in which the police have put more than a hundred detainees pupils on the knees In the Internet appeared the video, which police made more than a hundred French schoolchildren to kneel. About it on December 7 writes the log L Obs. Upstairs D’autres images de l interpellation de dizaines de lycéens, aujourd’hui à Mantes-la-Jolie. — Violences Policières (@Obs_Violences) December 6, 2018 Footage was shot near one of the schools in Mantes-La-jolie, a town in the Paris region. They are seen as the police put the teen on his knees and made to lay hands on your head. Some turned to face the wall. According to the publication, only the police have arrested more than 150 young people aged 12 to 20 years. Students detained on 6 December for participating in rallies against the reform of secondary education. TV and radio Franceinfo, citing the

Nuns lost the other half a million dollars in a casino

Nuns lost the other half a million dollars in a casino In the US, two nuns stole half a million dollars from the Catholic schools where they worked, they lowered the money in a casino and escaped trial. This publication reports the Daily Breeze. Upstairs In late November the leadership of the Catholic schools of St. James located in TORRANCE, California, announced that two former employee of an educational institution was stolen and used for personal needs “a significant amount of money”. They turned out to be a former school principal sister Margaret Kruper (Margaret Kreuper) and the teacher’s sister Lana Chang (Chang Lana). According to parents, women have repeatedly told them that the school is not enough funding. NewsChinese billionaire ruined my company in a casino About the theft became known, when the Church authorities decided to audit the expenses of the school before going There to retire after

There are new photos of banquets Tsepovyaz in the colony

There are new photos of banquets Tsepovyaz in the colony New photos of life in the colony of the participant “gangs tsapkov” Vyacheslav Tsepovyaz, who was sentenced to 20 years. The video footage that captured the bandit, published in the Telegram-channel “Moscow Says”. UpstairsDuring the download an error has occurred. The photos Tsepovyaz sitting at the richly set table, including outdoors, posing on couches alone and with other prisoners, talking on a cell phone. Newsof the Federal penitentiary service is going to ban mobile phones in colonies On the morning of 7 December the press office of Federal service of execution of punishments (FSIN) said that the head of the administration of Amur region “involved to strict disciplinary action” after a verification of information about a life of ease Tsepovyaz in the colony. What kind of penalty was imposed on the head of the Department, not specified, reports “Interfax”. December

Central Bank accused the employee of Sberbank in the manipulation of securities market

Central Bank accused the employee of Sberbank in the manipulation of securities market Employee of the management company of the savings Bank for nearly three years, manipulated the markets 50 securities, stated in the message of Bank of Russia. Upstairs According to the Central Bank, from February 2014 to January 2017 Dmitry Berger bought the counterparties to exchange a certain number of securities at market prices. After that, he sold them at a higher price. After some time he bought the paper in the name of “Sberbank asset management” or the UK “Pension savings” at these prices, obviously employing closing a position with profit for itself. “In the course of committing more than a thousand series of similar transactions with counterparties was received income in the amount exceeding RUB 150 million, which in accordance with the criminal code of the Russian Federation as very large. Herewith, JSC “Sberbank asset management”

Made a portrait of the typical Russian corruption

Made a portrait of the typical Russian corruption Prosecutor General’s office made a psychological portrait of the average Russian corrupt. On Thursday, December 6, said the representative of the Ministry Alexander Kurennoy in the online channel “Live”. Upstairs As shown by studies of the University of the Prosecutor General together with the psychologists, from corrupt officials, there are some typical features. Basically it is official, the criminals, the men, the average age is forty years. “At the same time, the proportion of women who committed the crime of corruption, almost two times higher than the proportion of women in all other crimes,” said Kurennoy. The majority of takers — people with higher education who have family and children. As a rule, they do not abuse alcohol, do drugs and do not violate public order. Corrupt officials are energetic and sociable. They have great emotional stability, including in stressful situations, willing

The state Duma agreed to deprive of immunity of a Deputy Belousova

The state Duma agreed to deprive of immunity of a Deputy Belousova Moscow. 6 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — the state Duma on Thursday in response to the submission of the Prosecutor General has decided to consent to the deprivation of immunity of a member of the faction “Fair Russia” Vadim Belousov and excitation against it criminal case. Upstairs “To consent to the deprivation of immunity of the Deputy of the State Duma Belousov Vadim Vladimirovich and the excitement concerning it criminal case on signs of the crime provided by part six of article 290 (receiving a bribe in especially large size — if) of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation”, — stated in the resolution, for which at the plenary session voted for the majority of the state Duma. Due to the fact that the discussion was closed to the press, the Agency received information about the decision from the

Sokurov has linked a review of your Fund with a “denunciation” of a former employee

Sokurov has linked a review of your Fund with a “denunciation” of a former employee Director Alexander Sokurov told the details about the searches in the non-profit Foundation “an Example of intonation”, the artistic Director and founder of which he is. A statement published on the page in Facebook “the Island of Sokurov,” the Director confirmed to RBC that the comment really belongs to him. Upstairs According to Sokurov, the first in the Fund were scheduled audit of financial activity, then the police received a denunciation from a former employee of the Fund. His actions stem from reluctance to repay a debt, says he: “This man took a lot of money in the Fund and I have, unfortunately, returned them neither there nor me.” In addition, the former employee has a personal dislike for the Director of the Fund Nikolai Encino, said Sokurov. The Director did not disclose the name

In Russia made a psychological portrait of the average corrupt

In Russia made a psychological portrait of the average corrupt Moscow. 6 Dec. INTERFAX.RU University of the Prosecutor General together with the psychologists have drawn up a psychological profile of the average corrupt. Upstairs “The portrait that is drawn when first thinking “who is corrupt?”, from the real is very different,” — said the official representative of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Alexander Kurennoy on the channel Supervisory authority “Ether”. He explained that “traditionally credited with some negative psychological characteristics of these people are quite clear: commercialism, greed, greed, domination of material values in the General system of values, desire for wealth, lust for power is infinite.” However, as noted Smoking, research this approach denies: Actually corrupt, as a rule, active, energetic, enterprising people, they are very sociable, they are incredibly emotionally stable, including in stressful situations, they are willing to work hard, have a high degree of

The defendant in a case of theft at the construction site the President said about stealing money during a search

The defendant in a case of theft at the construction site the President said about stealing money during a search The former Director FGUP “Ateks” Andrew Fireplaces, which became the figurant of criminal case about creation of criminal community and theft at the construction site, at the residence of the Russian President in Novo-Ogaryovo, reported a loss of $30 thousand and 496 420 rubles, which was seized from him during a search. Upstairs The search took place 21 March 2017 in his mother’s house in the Istra district of Moscow region. Andrew Fireplaces written statement to the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR) on 26 October, according to RBC, the document is amended, its authenticity was confirmed by a source familiar with the investigation. NewsIn case of theft on the reconstruction of the residence of Putin appeared in the chamber of the Kremlin Only then were seized, according to the accused,