In Kemerovo demolished the burned building TTS “Winter cherry”

In Kemerovo demolished the burned building TTS “Winter cherry” NOVOSIBIRSK, August 21 — RIA Novosti. Dismantling the aboveground part of the former shopping and entertainment complex “Winter cherry”, where a fire in March killed 60 people, ended in Kemerovo, reported RIA Novosti on Tuesday the representative of the city administration. Upstairs “In Kemerovo completed the dismantling of the aerial parts of the former shopping and entertainment complex “Winter cherry”. On the export of works specialized vehicles: 15 trucks, two excavators and destroyer” — said the Agency interlocutor. The representative of the municipality noted that at the present time organized export and warehousing of metal. View this post in Instagram Publication from VOLOSOVO & District (@volosovo_district) Aug 20, 2018 at 9:53 am PDT During the download an error has occurred. Previously, the government reported that by 1 September in the place of the national memorial that appeared near the building of

The victim in cases of poisoning in hospitalized Amesbury

The victim in cases of poisoning in hospitalized Amesbury Briton Charlie Rowley, who suffered from poisoning in Amesbury, hospitalized. This writes the newspaper The Guardian on 20 August, citing older brother, Charlie, Matthew. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий According to the publication, Rowley was sent to the hospital over the weekend due to problems with vision. According to Matthew, his brother complained that he was all blurry. “He just told me that he saw nothing, he still “floats”. On the phone, he was kind of distant. Said rather evasively, not giving value. I tried to ask him, but I couldn’t figure anything out,” said brother Charlie. Matthew noted that he does not know whether the blurred vision brother poisoning, and repeated hospitalization called “coincidence”. At the hospital, where Rowley was treated after the poisoning, refused to comment on the situation, saying only that at this point in the institution no of patients affected by

Established the identity of all the attackers on police officers in Chechnya

Established the identity of all the attackers on police officers in Chechnya All the attackers are residents of the Shali district, 2000, 2001, 2002, and 2006 years of birth. GROZNY, August 20. /TASS/. The identity of all participants of attacks on police in Grozny and the Shali district of the Chechen Republic is established, TASS reported Monday in the MIA for the Republic. “The identities of all the criminals,” — said the Agency interlocutor. According to the source TASS in law enforcement bodies of the region, the attackers were residents of the Shali district: one 2000, two 2001, and two 2002 and 2006 birth. Informed by the Republican Minister for national policy, external relations, press and information Dzhambulat Umarov reported by TASS that participants in the attacks were minors — aged 11-17 years. According to the SC of the Russian Federation, on Monday in Chechnya three attacks on law enforcement

An exceptional crime

An exceptional crime General of the FSB arrested for fraud in “Energy”. On Monday, the Babushkinsky district court on motions of the head investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia (GSU SKR) sent to jail the former Deputy CEO of rocket-space Corporation (RKK) “Energy” the General-the major of FSB in resignation Alexey Beloborodov, and two of his subordinates identified under house arrest. Managers tried to 31,5 million rubles from the construction company for its participation in the tender of the Corporation. With the petition for arrest of Alexey Beloborodov court figured out in half an hour. When the judge asked the accused Beloborodova, where he works, he softly said: “Since August 17, anywhere”. And before that, the defendant reported, he was the Deputy head of RSC Energia staff, social policy and audit activities. The Corporation Alexey Beloborodov came from the FSB in 2016, having retired in the rank of

All participants of attacks on police officers in Chechnya were teenagers

All participants of attacks on police officers in Chechnya were teenagers GROZNY, August 20. /TASS/. All participants of attacks on police in Chechnya was a minor, said on Monday, TASS, the Minister of the Chechen Republic for national policy, external relations, press and information Dzhambulat Umarov. “The oldest of those who beat the traffic police, there were 17 incomplete and the youngest of the criminals, now coming reports, was 11 years old,” — said Umarov. According to him, ISIL (the former name of banned terrorist organization “Islamic state”) “special programs” to effectively convince teenagers ideas of extremists. “So the age limit is falling — those who are already more or less can think. And therefore, those who are older, we are among the militants find less and less, today it are the guys who are 11-12 years”, — said the Minister. Umarov also noted that none of the civilians was

Kadyrov has called attacks on police in Chechnya as an attempt to disrupt Eid al-Adha

Kadyrov has called attacks on police in Chechnya as an attempt to disrupt Eid al-Adha Moscow. August 20. INTERFAX.RU Attacks on police in Chechnya were designed to dampen the Muslim holiday Eid al-Adha, the head of the Republic Ramzan Kadyrov. “Today a group of young people attempted to commit high-profile crimes. There is no doubt that the goal was to dampen the festive day, cause the big public resonance, to prevent the inhabitants of the Chechen Republic to carry out activities related to Eid al-Adha”, — Kadyrov wrote in social networks. “The main goal is to create the appearance of any force capable of organizing armed actions and terrorist acts,” he said. Thanks to the vigilance of the police all these attempts foiled, the bandits neutralized, one of the attackers made up, but still alive, was taken to hospital. In the town of Shali injured two policemen, in Grozny were

Sisters Khachaturyan pleaded guilty to the murder of his father

Sisters Khachaturyan pleaded guilty to the murder of his father MOSCOW, 20 Aug — RIA Novosti. Three sisters Khachaturyan pleaded guilty to the murder of his father and gave detailed statements to investigators, told RIA Novosti on Monday, the lawyers of the accused. The murder happened on July 27 in Moscow in an apartment on Altufevskoe highway. “Mary gave testimony that can be considered grateful. But now we give more detailed testimonies, which tell the events preceding it, starting from birth, you can say… in her hands was a knife. She claims that she struck no more than five strokes. The average of the sisters struck. Examination has not yet been undertaken, so early to say who struck and what was deadly,” the lawyer told the youngest (17 years old) of the sisters of Yaroslav Pakulin. The lawyer’s older sister — Christine — told the Agency that his client also

Policemen attacked with knives and cars

Policemen attacked with knives and cars In Chechnya, committed a series of terrorist crimes. In Chechnya there have been a number of attacks on guards. In Grozny alleged terrorist threw an explosive device at police officers and then knocked the guards on the machine. Two intruders, armed with knives, attacked the police Department in Shali. In addition, before reaching its target, exploded a suicide bomber. Wounds and injuries of varying severity, according to preliminary data, received by five police officers, four of the attackers killed. During the download an error has occurred.Material for persons over 18 yearsShow Almost simultaneously attacks were committed in Grozny and Shali. In one case, someone Ali Akhmatkhanov, passing by the police post, was thrown into the traffic police was an explosive device that didn’t work. After that, the city was declared the plan “Interception”. However, driving through the infamous square Minute, the attacker was hit

In Chechnya, two unidentified men attacked the police Department

In Chechnya, two unidentified men attacked the police Department MOSCOW, 20 Aug — RIA Novosti. Two unidentified men armed with knives tried to enter the territory of the Russian Federation OMVD on Shalinskomu district of Chechnya, wounding two policemen, the attackers destroyed, the press service of the interior Ministry of the Chechen Republic. “Two men, armed with knives, tried to enter the territory of Russia OMVD Shalinskomu area of the Chechen Republic and inflicted injuries to two police officers who were on duty. Returning fire, the attackers were killed. Currently, the scene works operative group”, — stated in the message.

To by life. The most high-profile, unsolved contract killings in Russia

To by life. The most high-profile, unsolved contract killings in Russia MOSCOW, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti, Victor Zvantsev. 20 years ago, August 19, 1998, in Yekaterinburg, the killer shot the Chairman of the regional branch of the Union of veterans of Afghanistan Vladimir Lebedev. The massacre of combatants, the informal leader of the so-called Afghan movement, angered the society. People demanded to find and punish the criminals, but it failed even after two decades. RIA Novosti says about the high-profile contract killings which have remained unsolved. Murder Timofeeva The leader of the Orekhovskaya criminal group Sergey Timofeev named Sylvester killed on 13 September 1994 in the center of Moscow. The killer was attached to his car an explosive device triggered at the moment when the crime boss sat in the cabin. The chances to survive of Sylvester was not. NewsAmerican cold. Five cases that were not under the power