Nanny Bobokulov sent for compulsory treatment

Gulchehra Bobokulov, who killed and decapitated the child, a nanny who was sent to a psychiatric hospital for compulsory treatment. To such an extent she was sentenced by the court. As reported “Interfax”, the appeal to this decision was received and the sentence came into force on Monday, January 23.


The murder was committed on 29 February. Bobokulov strangled a four year old girl looked out, and then cut off her head. To hide traces of crime, the native of Uzbekistan has set fire to the apartment.


Bobokulov detained near the metro station “Oktyabr’skoe pole”, where she was waving the baby’s head and threatened to blow himself up. First, the woman claimed about his involvement with the terrorists, but the investigation has a version that she is mentally ill. Examination confirmed this.


Khoroshevsky court of Moscow on 24 November freed her from criminal responsibility and sentenced to compulsory treatment. Kind of clinic Bobokulov will be unknown.

Photo: Grigory Sysoev / RIA Novosti

