Experts have equated the Russian model of health care to the African

Experts have equated the Russian model of health care to the African

Health care in the country properly built and underfunded, experts say CSR Alexei Kudrin. And because of the lack of attention to disease prevention, they argue, the mortality of middle-aged men in the country at the level of Africa.

The mortality rate of men of working age, Russia — almost African country, said President of the Foundation “Center for strategic research” (head of CSR, former Minister of Finance Alexei Kudrin) Pavel Kadochnikov in a session entitled “the Three dimensions of the effectiveness of healthcare at the St. Petersburg economic forum. Out of 435 thousand people of working age who died in 2016, 346 thousand were men, said Kadochnikov.

“Of those countries to compare it to, more — is that the fighting Syria. Any decent country with such indicators there,” — he stressed.

This fact to the CSR drew attention in the preparation of economic development strategy 2018-2024 years on behalf of President Vladimir Putin. Under the strategy, the experts paid particular attention to health. And one of the main challenges faced by Russian doctors called the indifference of citizens to their health, said Kadochnikov.

The second challenge outlined in the CSR, the aging of the population. Now the ratio of working population and pensioners, approximately two to one, and in the next 25 years, it will be about six to one, says Kadochnikov. .

The lack of resources in health care Kadochnikov called third challenge. “Investment in human capital, of course, needs to be more,” he said. The expert expressed the hope that by 2024 Russia will increase investments in health from 3.7% of GDP, as now, to 4.4% of GDP.

Based on the analysis of the main problems of CSR has developed a strategy of industry development till 2024. The government needs to focus on three areas. The first structural changes in the system. As explained RBC is one of the authors of the study, an expert CSR, the first rector of the Higher school of Economics Lev Yakobson, we are talking about a shift from hospital segment of the health clinics and primary health care.

“Compared with countries where health care resources are used more efficiently, we have relatively more money is spent on hospital care compared to primary care. For example, we have problems with the diagnosis,” — said the expert. In addition to primary care in the changing healthcare structure it is necessary to develop and rehabilitation, also said Jacobson.

The second direction proposed by CSR, the creation of the health care industry. Jacobson explained that under the “industry” CSR involves the industry, contributing to the development of other industries, including pharmaceutical, etc., “public Health in developed countries is the engine of the economy. This is an extremely capital intensive industry. It is comparable with the military industry”, — said Jacobson. In addition, the health — “provider of advanced human capital.”

Prevention and promotion of healthy lifestyles — the third direction, indicated in his report on the cooperation Kadochnikov. CSR offers to remotely monitor the health status of the population.

The number of Russians who should be covered by remote health monitoring is expected to increase to 13.8 million people in 2024 to 44.1 million people by 2035, pointed out in the presentation of the CSR.

All of these measures, according to experts of the CSR, due to 2024 to increase the average life expectancy of Russians to 76 years, and the duration of healthy (active) life to 68 years. Now the government targets to achieve average life expectancy of 76 years and healthy life expectancy at 66 years in 2025. Today, the average life expectancy in the country has reached about 72 years.

The Ministry of health participated in the development of the strategy. For discussion, the Minister of health Veronika Skvortsova met with Alexei Kudrin on 18 April 2017. The Ministry did not respond to a request about how the Agency is satisfied with the final version of the concept of CSR.

