Gelandewagen Shamsuarov confiscated in favor of the state

Ruslan Shamsuarov

SUV Mercedes-Benz Gelandewagen seized from the son of the Vice-President of “LUKOIL” Ruslan Shamsuarov confiscated in the state income. On Thursday, may 18, TASS said the representative of management of Federal bailiff service (UFSSP) in Moscow, Timur Korobitsyn.

The car passed to the authorized representative of territorial Department of Russian property Fund in the capital. Thus, the enforcement proceedings on the confiscation of the vehicle over. According to Korobitsyna, Shamsuarov also paid a fine of 2.5 thousand rubles for illegal Parking.

TV channel REN TV has published the recording, which is seen as the bailiffs take away the confiscated Gelandewagen. On 16 may, the RIA Novosti news Agency specified that the car is in the impound lot. After evaluation it is planned to sell at auction, and the proceeds transferred to the budget.


15 may it became known about excitation of Executive production, to remove the SUV from the son of the Vice-President of “LUKOIL”. Earlier in the day in Instagram-account borzrus belonging to the young man, there was a video of a drive on a dividing strip in Moscow. The driver in the frame is not visible after the appearance of this video in the administration of police in the capital began the test.

He Shamsuarov said that almost a year has nothing to do with the account borzrus and published it to video. He also claimed not sat behind the wheel since may last year because his Mercedes-Benz Gelandewagen was confiscated.

The decision to withdraw the elite of the SUV the young man was taken in October last year the Gagarinsky court of Moscow. Then Shamsuarov was convicted of insulting police and sentenced to 300 hours of obligatory works in the case of races on a Gelandewagen.

Resonant case about the “race for Gelandewagen” has come to the attention of the media in may last year. Then Shamsuarov friends staged a race with the traffic police, while the stream in the app Periscope. In addition, the young man’s offensive comments about law enforcement officers.

