American comedian and host of The Daily Show Trevor Noah during his speech at the event Variety”s Tech and Entertainment Summit, likened the US President Donald trump with the coke and the sun. Reported by Business Insider.
Noah asked the question about the phenomenon of the Trump bump — the popular gesture of the supporters of trump, in whose honour also referred to as the phenomenon of constant coverage of the Republican in the media and popular TV programs. In response the presenter jokingly called trump “a cocaine Comedy”. “You know, it just… takes you to a wonderful place. But nobody wants peritonotis”, — he said.
Noah stressed that the authors of the articles and TV shows you should not cover all the news about the trump. “It can generate news hooks at least every day. Trump, he is like the sun,” concluded the comedian.
In November 2016 Noah compared the vision of Donald trump with foreknowledge of the character of “Game of thrones” Jon snow. In his opinion won the presidential election, Republican acted in the same way as the hero of the popular series. “He realized that the wildlings are also registered voters. And their support brought him to power,” he said.