Seagal was poironizirovat on closing him entry to Ukraine

Steven Seagal

American actor and martial artist Steven Seagal ironically accepted the news that the security Service of Ukraine has closed him from entering the country for five years. It is reported TASS on Saturday, may 6.

“In addition to black belt, I now have more black list” — gave the Agency the words of the actor’s representative. She explained that Seagal is a seventh Dan in Aikido.

In late April, Segal was entered into the database of the Ukrainian website “Peacemaker”. The founders charged him with illegal visit to Crimea in 2014 and 2015.

In November 2016, the actor got Russian citizenship. The corresponding decree was signed by President Vladimir Putin.

Crimea reunited with Russia March 18, 2014 according to the results of the referendum in which 96 percent of respondents were in favour of joining the Republic in the Russian Federation. Moscow claims that the reunion was held in accordance with international law. The Ukrainian authorities consider the region as its territory, and it is accessible without the consent of Kiev — as a violation of the state border.

