According to the proposed White House amendments to the & nbsp; law on & nbsp; sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population, from & nbsp; 1 February & nbsp; 1 & nbsp; 1 & nbsp; 1 & nbsp; 1 & nbsp; 1 & nbsp; & nbsp; 1 & nbsp; June 2022 & nbsp; g. all adults, when & nbsp; visiting most public places, including catering establishments and & nbsp; non-food stores, will be required to present one of the & nbsp; documents: a QR code of & nbsp; vaccination or transferred covid or a certificate of & nbsp; medical treatment. Before & nbsp; 1 & nbsp; February, there should be a transition period & nbsp; & mdash; in & nbsp; this time it will be possible to present not a & nbsp; QR-code, but a & nbsp; PCR test.
The exact list of places where a QR code or certificate is required will be determined by the governors. The government's amendments to the & nbsp; Air Code and & nbsp; Statute of Railway Transport introduce mandatory QR codes from & nbsp; 1 & nbsp; February and & nbsp; to & nbsp; 1 & nbsp; June 1, 2022 & nbsp; g. for & nbsp; buying tickets for & nbsp; planes and & nbsp; long-distance trains.
The first reading of both bills is now scheduled for & nbsp; 16 & nbsp; December, with & nbsp; the date of the last meeting of the State Duma & nbsp; & mdash; December 22 & nbsp;
The source of Vedomosti in the leadership of the State Duma says that the laws can be fully adopted after the New Year. after that, the second reading of & nbsp; & mdash; in & nbsp; January & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said the interlocutor.
Such a “ mailing out '' is mandatory under the & nbsp; regulations of the State Duma, the source said, noting that even now the government's initiative affects & nbsp; people: “ The rate of vaccination is growing. '' The pause between the second and & nbsp; third readings, when only legal and technical amendments can be made to bills, will be less than a month, so the laws will probably be adopted before & nbsp; 1 & nbsp; he added.
Volodin plans to study comments on bills on QR -codes
According to & nbsp; the interlocutor of Vedomosti in the & nbsp; committee on health protection (acts as a co-executor on the & nbsp; bill on the & nbsp; introduction of QR codes in & nbsp; public places), the second and & nbsp; third readings of initiatives can go & nbsp; already in & nbsp; 2022 & nbsp; g., as they are undergoing the discussion stage. “ The laws are resonant, everyone understands that & nbsp; they are needed; & nbsp; & mdash; stressed the interlocutor. But, as he noted, it takes time to “convince people of & nbsp; this.” reading the bill and & nbsp; how many amendments will be collected before & nbsp; it. The interlocutor in the State Duma apparatus believes that & nbsp; the date of the second reading will become finally clear after the first reading has passed: “ After the discussion, it will become clear how much time is needed for & nbsp; amendments.
Vedomosti; sent requests to the & nbsp; press service of the government and & nbsp; operational headquarters for & nbsp; combating & nbsp; coronavirus.