In the State Duma, anti-vaccinations were offered to “sit in the woods”

State Duma Deputy Shaikhutdinov suggested that opponents of vaccination against COVID-19 “sit in the forest”

The phrase “my body is my business” cannot serve as an excuse for anti-vaccinators. This was stated by the first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Transport Rifat Shaikhutdinov, whose words are quoted by the radio station Moscow Says.

He noted that such people should be kept in home quarantine. “If you don’t go [to get vaccinated], then you have no right to come here, you have no right to go to work,” the deputy stressed. In his opinion, opponents of vaccination should “go to the forest, sit there and not infect anyone.” hospitals in the country were invited on a “tour” to the red zones of medical facilities, where patients with COVID-19, known anti-vaccines, lie. Among them were the leaders of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and “Fair Russia” Gennady Zyuganov and Sergei Mironov, Deputy Speaker of the State Duma Pyotr Tolstoy, political scientist Sergei Kurginyan, actress Maria Shukshina, singer Natalya Vetlitskaya, TV presenter Oscar Kuchera, musician Konstantin Kinchev, as well as singer and composer Yuri Loza.

In turn, Shukshina, in response to the offer of doctors, invited doctors to the “green zone, where a healthy lifestyle, sanity, a healthy psyche, the absence of fear and the prevention of seasonal diseases are not empty words.” Her statement was supported by the actor Yegor Beroev. Kucera explained that he is not an anti-vaccine, but opposes compulsory vaccination.

