The film about the secession of Lithuania from the USSR became the best at the Amsterdam Film Festival

Sergei Loznitsa's painting “Mister Landsbergis” won the IDFA festival in Amsterdam was awarded the Best Film Prize at the IDFA Documentary Film Festival in Amsterdam. Reported by Variety.

“The winning film is a monumental achievement that comprehensively explores the role that one person, one nation, and one moment in history can play in the still relevant history of the global struggle for freedom and the right to self-determination, ”the festival jury said in a statement.

Loznitsa, receiving the prize, noted that“ Mister Landsbergis ”is important not only for Lithuania, but for the whole world. In the center of his 246-minute film is the figure of the Lithuanian politician Vytautas Landsbergis, Chairman of the Supreme Council of Lithuania at the time of the adoption of the declaration on the restoration of independence of the state in 1990.

Prizes for the best camera work and for the best debut at IDFA were received by in the Moscow metro, Ruslan Fedotov's painting “Where Are We Going?” Fedotov is a native of Belarus, who graduated from the Moscow School of New Cinema.

Earlier, at the Cannes festival, the previous film by Sergei Loznitsa “Babi Yar. Context”. The German-based director is also known for films such as Farewell to Stalin, Donbass, Gentle, and My Happiness.

