Ученые доказали, что гигантские ямы вокруг Стоунхенджа были сделаны людьми

Stonehenge pits ARE man-made: 16ft craters near Neolithic site that experts wrote off as naturally occurring 'blobs' are confirmed as 4,500-year-old holes dug by ancient Britons after scientists use underground mapping technologyhttps://t.co/U9iUlNcIeR

— Stonehenge U.K (@ST0NEHENGE) November 25, 2021

BREAKING NEWS. New tests show #neolithic pits near #Stonehenge, forming a circle 2km in diameter, are not natural but were human-made. https://t.co/1MAATwWr0M pic.twitter.com/ZrDQudjh0E

— European Association of Archaeologists (@archaeologyEAA) November 23, 2021 Черная пятница обрушит цены на тысячи товаров

Екатерина Гура

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