Leader of the Green Party Goering-Eckardt called for the introduction of compulsory vaccination in Germany
spoke in support of the introduction of compulsory vaccination against coronavirus for all citizens of Germany. This is reported by Reuters.
Goering-Eckardt noted that strict lockdown and limited social contacts are more stringent requirements than a call for vaccinations. According to her, the mandatory nature of vaccinations against coronavirus infection does not mean that the police will force citizens to vaccinate.
The authorities in Germany are thinking about compulsory vaccination against COVID-19 against the background of a sharp increase in the number of cases of infection in the country and throughout Europe. At the same time, representatives of the Free Democratic Party (FDP) refused to support the proposal of the Greens.
Earlier it became known that over the past day in Germany recorded a record number of COVID-19 diseases. According to the Robert Koch Institute, on November 23 in Germany, more than 66 thousand new cases of coronavirus were detected. In total, almost 5.5 million cases of infection and more than 99 thousand deaths associated with the infection have been registered in the country since the beginning of the pandemic.