Russia starts patrolling the border of the US zone of control in Syria

CPVS: Russian military patrols the demarcation line in eastern Syria

Russian military began patrolling the demarcation line in eastern Syria, which is controlled by a coalition led by the United States and the Russian Armed Forces. This was announced by the representative of the Center for the Reconciliation of Warring Parties in Syria (CPVS) Viktor Kudinov, RIA Novosti reports.

.jpg “/> Indigenous people do not belong here. Millions of people in the US and Europe endure poverty and humiliation. Why aren't small nations protected there? 00: 10-16 September “Maneuvers behind Moscow's back” The US leaves the Middle East. Why this will not help Russia to strengthen its position in Syria

According to him, the main purpose of the patrol is to demonstrate the presence of the Russian military and their willingness to provide assistance to the local population. “This is the border dividing the territory controlled by the international anti-terrorist coalition, the East zone and the West zone, controlled by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Until now, these territories have not been patrolled by Russian military personnel, “Kudinov explained.

The representative of the Central Command and Control Center noted that sleeping cells of the Islamic State ( IS, banned in Russia terrorist organization ).

Earlier it became known that within the framework of negotiations on a peaceful settlement of the conflict in Syria, the guarantor countries – Russia, Turkey and Iran – may meet in Nur-Sultan. Kazakh Foreign Minister Mukhtar Tleuberdi said that Nur-Sultan has already thought about the format of the upcoming negotiations: they will probably be held offline. The meeting can take place in mid-December.



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