In a Russian city, more than 500 passengers without QR codes were dropped from transport

In Kazan, more than 500 people without QR codes were dropped from trams and subways

-for the lack of QR codes. This was reported on Monday, November 22, by TASS.

Tram routes were also delayed in the city because of a passenger who refused to show the QR code and did not want to leave the tram. The Russian called the police, reporting the illegal actions of the conductor.

A similar situation has developed in the Kazan metro: many passengers rush to the controllers because of the need to show the QR code, the agency writes.

Earlier it was reported that the first Russian region introduced QR codes in public transport. According to the new rules, which came into force on November 22, a ban was introduced in the republic on entering city, suburban and municipal transport without a QR code on vaccination against coronavirus, postponed COVID-19 or medical contraindications for vaccination. The document will also have to be presented in the Kazan metro.

On November 12, bills on QR codes were submitted to the State Duma. The government has proposed making it mandatory throughout Russia to present QR codes for passengers on trains and airplanes, as well as when visiting public places.

