“Wikipedia” of toxic content will appear in Russia

Vedomosti: member of HRC Russia Ashmanov announced the creation of a register of toxic content

Human Rights Watch (HRC), the founder of the Kribrum company Igor Ashmanov said that a register of toxic content may appear in the country. He plans to present the idea of ​​the project to Russian President Vladimir Putin, Vedomosti writes.

Ashmanov said that he had discussed the idea of ​​creating a register with the chairman of the HRC Valery Fadeev and the general director of ANO Dialogue Alexei Goreslavsky. “I wrote a concept for how a Wikipedia-like directory of toxic content could be created,” he said. Such a list can include data on the dangers of vaccinations, child abandonment, LGBT communities and bestiality.

“There is a huge gray area that serves to involve people already in prohibited activities. Creating a registry of toxic content is a way to do something about this gray area – content that will not be banned in the near future, ”the author of the project explained.

The HRC member believes that such content should be“ blocked , clean up, downgrade, remove from platforms. ” The data in this catalog will be labeled according to the degree of toxicity: from forbidden to undesirable.

Fadeev explained that the idea of ​​the project is for society to independently regulate “borderline situations”. He admitted that the project will be discussed at the next meeting of the HRC with Putin.



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