The doctor revealed ways to get used to the cold

Therapist Romanenko urged to sleep at 18-22 degrees to get used to the cold weather “Tatyana Romanenko told the Russians how to help the body adapt faster to low air temperatures. She revealed ways to increase tolerance to cold and not freeze in an interview with Sputnik radio.

The specialist explained that in cold weather, heat in the human body is redistributed: it remains in the vital organs, while the legs, arms and nose may freeze. She called for reducing discomfort and training cold receptors. In order for the body to get used to low temperatures, it needs to create minimal cooling by reducing the temperature in the room.

“It is optimal to sleep at a temperature of 18 to 22 degrees, and slowly leave the comfort zone. If the room temperature is 30 degrees, then even at 10 degrees outside we will feel frozen, and the risk of hypothermia will increase, “Romanenko emphasized.

The therapist also advised to wash and take a shower with cool water. Walking in the fresh air in moderately warm clothes will be no less useful.

“The right clothes are the ones that are comfortable when we are not cold outside, but we can be physically active. If you are not dressed for the weather, you will never get used to the cold. If it gets hot, the risk of hypothermia increases dramatically, ”the doctor warned.

However, the arms and legs should be protected while walking, because when they are warm, a person feels more comfortable and thus deceives the brain. “The receptors do not react like that, we do not feel chill and chill,” the therapist concluded.

Earlier, the Russians were warned about the onset of frost. They will come to Central Russia in the first half of the week.

