Terms of revaccination against coronavirus announced

Deputy Director of the Center. Gamalei Logunov recommended revaccination against COVID-19 once a year

Denis Logunov told when to undergo revaccination against coronavirus, reports TASS.

At a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Logunov called the timing of revaccination against COVID-19. In the absence of a large epidemic rise, he recommended taking it once a year. According to the deputy director of Tsenr Gamaleya, revaccination as an approach works effectively, therefore, the leading regulators of the world consider it necessary.

Logunov also added that in an unfavorable epidemiological situation, revaccination should be revaccinated in six months. He noted that the effectiveness of the coronavirus vaccine decreases six to eight months after the first dose, so a second procedure is required.

“We naturally see a decrease, and not a dramatic drop, but a decrease in the effectiveness of vaccination after six – eight months after the first application. And naturally, the first simple message that any researcher, any physician has, is to apply a revaccination dose, ”the expert explained.

Earlier, Logunov disclosed the effectiveness of revaccination against coronavirus. According to him, this figure is “somewhere 1.6-2 times higher than even after the first vaccination.”



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