According to & nbsp; according to the & nbsp; & nbsp; words of the former deputy head of the presidential administration, at the beginning of the century the system created in & nbsp; the country by the current leadership of the social system stopped unrestrained.
As a result, 20 years of stability in Russia have been and “still will be.”
“Vertical, order and & nbsp; braces are guaranteed”, & nbsp; & mdash; Surkov emphasized.
In & nbsp; then & nbsp; at the same time he & nbsp; recalled that & nbsp; disorder could not & nbsp; disappear anywhere, this is contrary to social laws. And & nbsp; if it & nbsp; has almost been ousted from the & nbsp; Internet, then, most likely, it goes & nbsp; into & nbsp; blind spots of public life & raquo;, in & nbsp; unannounced collective practices directed not & nbsp; against the official position and & nbsp & nbsp; popular opinions him.
For & nbsp; such “ parallel people '' going to the & nbsp; election or raising the right poster becomes a way to “ give Caesar what was Caesar's '' so that you can return to & nbsp; your universes, which is & nbsp; inconsistent with the & nbsp; spirit and & nbsp; letter of the poster.
“ The widespread occurrence of such pinpoint loyalty and & nbsp; one-time patriotism means that & nbsp; in the & nbsp; increasingly monolithic structure of society, more and more gaps and & nbsp; cavities are formed, filling with unknowns & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; Surkov recalled.
Because of this, the correct words become meaningless, the prevailing discourse becomes unconvincing and therefore more and more often needs force support. , about & nbsp; than & nbsp; they are silent. With & nbsp; and & nbsp; until a certain moment, according to & nbsp; Surkov, this silence does not & nbsp; threaten the authorities.
However, he & nbsp; recalled that & nbsp; if the problem is ignored, then & nbsp; with & nbsp; time it destroys the existing order of things, which & nbsp; and & nbsp; happened at the end of the life of the Soviet Union. To prevent this from & nbsp; to happen, the official is sure, the chaos should be exported beyond the & nbsp; limits of our own system, as was done in & nbsp; ancient times and & nbsp; as the United States is doing now.
Surkov believes that in the near future several countries will collide in the world at once trying to endure their instability, among them the United States, China and Russia, and this will generate “destructive geopolitical storms.”
After such unrest in the & nbsp; world, Surkov believes, Russia will receive its share in the & nbsp; new global gathering of spaces and & nbsp; will confirm its globalizer status. The & nbsp; & nbsp; reasons, with the exception of historical & nbsp; which will happen this way, the presidential aide did not & nbsp; in the & nbsp; article.
In June of this year, Surkov compared President Vladimir Putin to the & nbsp; Roman Emperor Octavian, who combined democracy with & nbsp; monarchical archetype.