Moscow Region doctors found a cockroach in a man's head after complaints of pain
In Kolomna, a 57-year-old man complained of a headache to doctors. As a result of the examination, doctors found a cockroach in the patient's ear. The incident is reported by the Moscow City News Agency.
The Russian said that he had pain after sleeping. The patient himself assumed that a cockroach had crawled into his ear. After examination, doctors near Moscow found that the insect had penetrated the ear canal, and its movements caused pain in the man. The doctors provided the local resident with the necessary assistance. Then he was discharged from the hospital, now he is at home.
According to the otorhinolaryngologist at the Kolomna hospital, Tatyana Ilyicheva, a cockroach can damage the eardrum, which will eventually lead to an inflammatory process. It is not recommended to remove the insect on your own: this can lead to ear injuries.
Earlier in Nizhny Novgorod, doctors removed a live cockroach from the head of a Russian woman, with which she passed for several days. The girl came to the clinic complaining of a stuffy ear and headache. The insect was found on examination of the ear canal. The cockroach was removed from the ear. As a result, the patient did not need further treatment.