Olivier has risen in price in Russia

The grocery set for Olivier salad in 2021 has risen in price by 6.07 percent by six percent. Elena Myasnikova, associate professor of the restaurant business department at the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (REU), said this, according to the Moskva agency.

The cost of 2-2.5 kilograms of Olivier for the New Year's table for Russians will be 322.5 rubles this is 6.07 percent higher than the 2020 amount. For calculations, the recipe proposed by Rosstat for the “Olivier index” was used: the salad includes cucumbers, green peas, potatoes, carrots, chicken eggs, boiled sausage, mayonnaise and onions.

“A significant increase in prices for vegetables – potatoes, carrots – 52.7 percent and 32.6 percent, respectively. Prices for cucumbers have significantly decreased – by 20 percent, other products for the salad have slightly increased in price in the range of 4 to 7.7 percent, ”said Myasnikova and clarified that the salad can be cheaper if you replace boiled sausage with chicken. According to the expert, this will make the dish even healthier.

Rosstat reported about the rise in prices for vegetables in Russia earlier in November. According to him, prices for fruits and vegetables as of November 15 increased by 22.26 percent in annual terms. Potatoes rose in price by 73.57 percent, carrots – by 38.34 percent, cucumbers – by 45.05, onions – by 24.99 percent.

In early November, experts reported an increase in the “borscht index” by Ukraine. It has become more expensive to prepare a traditional dish due to the rise in prices for the main products in its composition. Compared to October 2020, the index increased by 5.5 percent. The biggest increase in prices was for carrots (by 62.43 percent), carrots (by 35.01 percent) and cabbage (by 34.87 percent).

