The Federation Council and the State Duma commented on the draft resolution of the US Congress on the non-recognition of Putin as president

& nbsp; A draft resolution on & nbsp; not recognizing V.V. Putin as president of the Russian Federation, if he decides to run for & nbsp; a new date in & nbsp; 2024. It's too early for & nbsp; this time, the Americans began to interfere in the & nbsp; presidential elections in & nbsp; Russia. The rest is nothing new and & nbsp; nothing unexpected. Intervention in & nbsp; our internal affairs in & nbsp; pure form. And & nbsp; yet & nbsp; & mdash; a provocation aimed at & nbsp; disruption of the emerging normalization of bilateral relations & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; posted by Kosachev on & nbsp; Facebook.

Vladimir Dzhabarov expressed to RIA Novosti confidence that & nbsp; & quot; this document will & nbsp; pass & quot;. “ But, if the resolution is adopted, it will lead to & nbsp; rupture of relations between Russia and the & nbsp; USA & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; added the senator. He & nbsp; finds the document “ cynical and & nbsp; devoid of any common sense. ''

Novikov said that & nbsp; “ relations have been very badly damaged, according to & nbsp; the assessment of many, including Russian, diplomats. '' “ The leadership of the Foreign Ministry is at a & nbsp; low point, so there is no sense in talking about & nbsp; the adoption of the document, if it takes place, somehow & nbsp; decisively change the outline of Russian-American relations. Not & nbsp; will be of this document, there will be another. Because & nbsp; to change its course in & nbsp; in relation to & nbsp; RF, the American establishment does not & nbsp; intend & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; noted the deputy.

He & nbsp; also pointed to & nbsp; a large number of claims to & nbsp; the Russian political electoral system and & nbsp; deployment of the “ Russophobic campaign. ''

Earlier, a proposal was made to the & nbsp; House of Representatives of the US Congress do not & nbsp; recognize Vladimir Putin as the head of the Russian state if he & nbsp; runs for & nbsp; a new term in & nbsp; 2024. If the resolution is adopted, it will be advisory in nature. Authors Democrat from & nbsp; Tennessee Stephen Cohen and & nbsp; Republican from & nbsp; South Carolina Joe Wilson believe that & nbsp; Putin is in & nbsp; power due to election violations, and & nbsp; his continued stay in office is illegal.

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