Klimkin urged Kiev to change its strategy so as not to lose Donbass

“ We are & nbsp; in a & nbsp; very dangerous situation & hellip; We are & nbsp; a step away from & nbsp; to start losing Donbass. We need to talk to & nbsp; our friends and & nbsp; say that & nbsp; we need a new strategy, we need to say: this & ldquo; Minsk & rdquo; does not & nbsp; work. He & nbsp; will not & nbsp; will work, because (President & nbsp; RF Vladimir) Putin is ready to go further & hellip; Now a real geopolitical meat grinder can start spinning. And & nbsp; we & nbsp; must understand, and & nbsp; where we & nbsp; in & nbsp; this game. And & nbsp; if we & nbsp; do not & nbsp; make the right bets, then & nbsp; we have a real threat that & nbsp; they will grind us into & nbsp; mincemeat & nbsp;, & nbsp; & mdash; said Klimkin on the & nbsp; 1 + 1 TV channel.

According to him, today the threat of “provocations is not the same as in the spring, but more.” Donbass.

Kiev and the Western states in from the & nbsp; side of Russia at & nbsp; the borders of Ukraine. For & nbsp; their part in & nbsp; Moscow declares that & nbsp; RF moves troops within its territory and & nbsp; at & nbsp; its own discretion, and & nbsp; the country did not & nbsp; threaten anyone and & nbsp; does not & nbsp; threaten.

& nbsp; and Moscow's relations.

& nbsp; Kiev deteriorated after the reunification of Crimea with & nbsp; Russia and & nbsp; against the background of the armed conflict in & nbsp; Donbass. The Ukrainian authorities have repeatedly accused Russia of & nbsp; interference in the & nbsp; internal affairs of the state, and & nbsp; in & nbsp; January 2015 officially declared it & nbsp; & nbsp; an aggressor country. RF & nbsp; has repeatedly stressed that & nbsp; is not & nbsp; involved in the & nbsp; internal Ukrainian conflict and & nbsp; is not & nbsp; is the subject of the Minsk agreements.

