Named a way to recognize and cure a boil

Surgeon Zhelninov: a furuncle can be identified by phases of development that differ from the usual pimple

Petersburg, a surgeon of the highest category, a member of the Russian Society of Surgeons Mikhail Zhelninov, in an interview with Vechernyaya Moskva, named a way to recognize a boil, and also spoke about the methods of its treatment.

According to the specialist, a boil can be identified by stages of development that differ from the usual pimple. It can appear on dirty areas of a person's skin or due to friction. According to the doctor, if it does not cause painful sensations, this means that the boil will pass on its own within five to six days, but if there is an increase in temperature or malaise, an urgent need to consult a surgeon.

“The furuncle goes through the following developmental phases: infiltration or edema – up to four days, suppuration, melting of necrotic masses with a breakthrough of purulent contents and discharge of the so-called stem, in fact, a necrotic hair follicle – on the fifth or sixth day, the stage of healing (scarring), the formation of connective tissue “, – explained the doctor.

He noted that the timing may vary depending on the reactivity of the body and the extent of the lesion. The surgeon said that the affected skin should be treated with an antiseptic and isolated from the environment. He also warned against squeezing out the contents of the boil before it ripens, as this can cause the spread of inflammation. The specialist urged not to use folk remedies to treat it.

Earlier, an employee of the London clinic Harley Street Dental Studio named the main mistakes when getting rid of acne on the skin. First of all, the doctor recommended not to remove inflammation, but to apply agents on them that help to reduce and disappear. In addition, the dermatologist stressed that you should not overuse acids for care, as they can provoke excess sebum production, which will lead to even more acne.

