In South Korea, applicants will take the general examination at the peak of the incidence of COVID-19
In South Korea, the general entrance exam for applicants began on November 18. More than half a million people take part in the testing, and it takes place against the backdrop of another outbreak of COVID-19 in the country. This is reported by The Assosiated Press.
The general entrance exam in South Korea, known as “Sunung”, is taken by all students on the same day. In 2021, 509 thousand prospective students signed up for the exam. The eight-hour test is taking place at 1,395 locations across South Korea.
Testing began at another peak in the country's coronavirus incidence. The Korean sanitary authorities are reporting nearly 3.3 thousand new confirmed cases of COVID-19 – this is the second day that the number of detected infected people exceeds three thousand.
for the COVID-19 pandemic – approx. “” ), and I often saw how my child is very worried and tries his best, “- said the mother of one of the applicants.
In South Korea, education and university entrance play a significant role in the future fate of a person. Sunoon is considered an important milestone that will determine the place of yesterday's schoolchild in society for years to come. The President of the country Moon Jae-in addressed the young Koreans with a wish of success in the exam.