Twitter users made fun of Durov because of the indecent animation of eggplant on Telegram eggplant in the messenger. The vegetable gushing out with white liquid caused the commentators to associate it with ejaculation, as many wrote on Twitter.
As noted by users, to see an indecent animation, you need to send an emoji to the chat, and then click on it. After that, a light liquid spills out from the peduncle of the vegetable, which seems to be poured across the user's screen. At the same time, the eggplant increases in size.
The animated vegetable has caused many users to associate it with ejaculation. “Telegram, in my opinion, ending eggplant, this is some kind of *** [nightmare], is not it?” – wrote a user named Vova Chernov. “I want to look into the eyes of those who drew this,” another user said.
The authors of some posts began to joke about Pavel Durov, deciding that the idea to add a reference to the topic of sex to the eggplant animation belonged to him. Commentators recalled his words to the programmer about the benefits of loneliness and laughed at them.
“Durov is like:” Loneliness is useful, “and then makes an animation of the eggplant”, – piss of art mocked. “Durov:” Women are fools, sex is overrated, I have not used a member for 27 years. ” Also Durov at three in the morning to the designer: “Let's make the eggplant look like *** [penis], and it sprinkles on the screen,” joked journalist Sultan Suleimanov.
About the appearance of new effects when clicking on animated emoji became known in September. Telegram representatives did not separately mention what effect the eggplant had. At the same time, in the summer of 2021, the messenger was already criticized for the image of a vegetable. Then users noticed that it grows in size after being submitted. Some saw it as sexualizing.
The eggplant emoji was introduced in 2010. The image of the vegetable soon became the symbol of the male genital organ. Together with the peach emoticon, which is used on the Internet for buttocks, they began to use it in intimate correspondence.