The meeting between C and & nbsp; Biden became the most meaningful since & nbsp; the moment the American president took office.
The summit was intended to ease tensions in the & nbsp; relations between the two countries. However, the issue of Taiwan's self-government could not be bypassed.
China considers Taiwan to be a rebellious province, the reunification of which with the mainland is only a matter of time.
The United States recognizes China and & nbsp; maintains official relations with & nbsp; but & nbsp; while & nbsp; also supports Taiwan and & nbsp; promises to help him in the & nbsp; case of an attack by Beijing.
The Chinese state publication Global Times wrote that & nbsp; Xi believes the reason the recent friction between the parties & nbsp; repeated attempts by the Taiwanese authorities to enlist US support in & nbsp; its independence program, and & nbsp; also in & nbsp; the intention of some Americans to use Taiwan to & nbsp; contain China.
China sends military aircraft to Taiwan, they talk about the threat of an accidental war
“This is extremely dangerous, like & nbsp; playing with & nbsp; fire. Anyone who & nbsp; plays with & nbsp; fire will get burns & nbsp; & nbsp; & mdash; says the & nbsp; article.
The White House, in & nbsp; in turn, said that & nbsp; Joe Biden & nbsp; strongly opposed unilateral efforts to & nbsp; change the status quo or undermine peace and & nbsp; stability in the & nbsp; Taiwan Strait.
Despite the & nbsp; harsh statements, the meeting began with warm greetings. Xi & nbsp; said he was & nbsp; glad to see his “ old friend '' Biden. ”/p>
Xi & nbsp; Jinping, as is often the case in & nbsp; recently, proposed to improve communication between countries and & nbsp; solve problems together:
Humanity lives in a global village, and together we face many problems. China and the US need to broaden communication and cooperation.
What & nbsp; was discussed?
The two most powerful countries in the world disagree on & nbsp; a number of issues, and & nbsp; Biden expressed US concerns about human rights violations in & nbsp; Hong Kong and & nbsp; in & nbsp; Northwest Xinjiang.
In the & nbsp; response to & nbsp; this criticism, China traditionally accuses the United States of interfering in & nbsp; internal affairs.
Biden emphasized the need to “ protect American workers and & nbsp; industry from & nbsp; unfair Chinese trade and & nbsp; economic practices. ''
Xi & nbsp; Jinping did not & nbsp; remain in & nbsp; debt: according to Reuters, he replied to Biden that & nbsp; the United States needs to stop “ abusing the concept of national security in order to & nbsp; suppress Chinese companies. ''
This was the third conversation between two leaders after Biden's inauguration in & nbsp; January. The negotiations lasted three with & nbsp; half an hour & nbsp; & mdash; more than & nbsp; expected.
Xi & nbsp; Jinping has not & nbsp; left China for almost two years since & nbsp; the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Under the previous US President Donald Trump, relations between the two countries have noticeably deteriorated, and the parties are taking steps to normalize them: good relations between the two superpowers are important not only for themselves, but also for the world as a whole.
With this, both leaders have a lot to do. and & nbsp; at home: Biden's ratings plummeted due to & nbsp; inflation, the threat of coronavirus and & nbsp; a hasty departure from & nbsp; Afghanistan, which turned into chaos. The & nbsp; hands of & nbsp; C & nbsp; & mdash; growing energy shortages and & nbsp; an evolving real estate crisis.
Stephen McDonnell, BBC's China Correspondent
The very fact that this meeting of two of the world's most powerful leaders is & nbsp; indicates that, & nbsp; in the & nbsp; opinion of both sides, the previous blatant hostility between Beijing and & nbsp; Washington did not & nbsp; work and & nbsp; was potentially dangerous.
“The first line of defense of democracy.” : Taiwan's President promises not to yield to China's threats
Relations between the United States and & nbsp; China have become so toxic and & nbsp; non-functional that & nbsp; these video discussions can partly be seen as an attempt to hedge against the & nbsp; competition between China and & nbsp; the United States does not & nbsp; escalate into & nbsp; an armed conflict over one & nbsp & nbsp; misunderstanding. hot spots of the world.
On the one hand, we should be glad that & nbsp; the leaders of the United States and & nbsp; China are pulling their countries away from & nbsp; a possible war, but & nbsp; on the other hand, there is a need for & nbsp; , and & nbsp; they & nbsp; felt it.
If you look closely, the warm relations between the countries didn & nbsp; look & nbsp; for quite some time. Suffice it to recall the diplomatic disaster during the & nbsp; high-level meeting in & nbsp; Alaska in & nbsp; March of this year, which ended, practically without & nbsp; having begun, with public accusations and & nbsp; insults.
It seems that & nbsp; is a real attempt at a reboot. , and & nbsp; there is reason to hope that & nbsp; will change global geopolitical relations in a concrete way.