According to & nbsp; & nbsp; the concept of coalitions uniting around & nbsp; science, security, values, finance, diplomacy, & nbsp; first of all, people, should be at the & nbsp; basis of what Global Britain is doing. '' However, 'some countries' are not & nbsp; going to develop in the & nbsp; direction of free market democracy, & nbsp; he added.
“ We & nbsp; must deal with & nbsp; this, we & nbsp; must deal with & nbsp; and & nbsp; we must have as friendly and & nbsp; pragmatic as possible. But the & nbsp; consequence of this is that & nbsp; we & nbsp; are increasingly cooperating with & nbsp; those who & nbsp; share our values and & nbsp; motives. Therefore, when we & nbsp; say that & nbsp; support the sovereignty and & nbsp; integrity of Ukraine, it is not & nbsp; because & nbsp; we & nbsp; want to be hostile in & nbsp; towards & nbsp; Russia, or that & nbsp; we & nbsp; want to surround this in some strategic way & nbsp; great country & hellip; This is because & nbsp; & nbsp; we have a commitment to democracy and & nbsp; freedom, which is now divided into & nbsp; the vast territory of the European continent & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; noted Johnson.
At the same time, he urged not to forget that “it was Russian blood that made it possible to defeat Nazism.”
The British Prime Minister mentioned the situation with & nbsp; migrants on the & nbsp; border of Belarus and & nbsp; Poland. He pointed out that & nbsp; London reacted quickly when Warsaw asked to “ help deal with the & nbsp; contrived crisis on the & nbsp; border with & nbsp; Belarus.
“ And & nbsp; we & nbsp; hope that & nbsp; our friends may realize that & nbsp; will soon have to make a choice between directing more and more Russian hydrocarbons to & nbsp; giant new pipelines or defending Ukraine and & nbsp; defending the cause of peace and & nbsp; stability, let I put it that way & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said & nbsp; he.
Earlier, the Mirror newspaper, with & nbsp; referring to & nbsp; sources familiar with the & nbsp; situation, reported that & nbsp; Great Britain is ready to transfer up to & nbsp; 600 special forces soldiers to & nbsp; Ukraine because of & nbsp; concerns about & nbsp; ; the impending invasion of Russia. ''
Putin helped Donbass and Luhansk region with vaccines and access to public procurement
allegedly preparing an invasion of & nbsp; Ukraine. He & nbsp; also recalled that & nbsp; the country is not & nbsp; involved in the & nbsp; internal Ukrainian conflict.
The & nbsp; Foreign Ministry denied reports of some Western media & nbsp; that & nbsp; Russia is allegedly pulling troops to & nbsp; Ukraine's border & nbsp; The & nbsp; Kremlin stated that & nbsp; the movement of troops is & nbsp; within the territory of the country and & nbsp; at & nbsp; discretion of Moscow. According to & nbsp; the press secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov, this does not & nbsp; threaten anyone and & nbsp; no one & nbsp; should worry.
Moscow has repeatedly rejected accusations of the West and & nbsp; Ukraine of & nbsp; & nbsp; & quot; aggressive actions & raquo; and & nbsp; emphasized that & nbsp; does not & nbsp; threaten anyone, but & nbsp; statements about & nbsp; & quot; Russia's aggression & raquo; are used as an excuse to place more NATO military equipment near the country's borders.