Yerevan asked Moscow for military assistance after shootouts with Azerbaijan

Due to the & nbsp; shootout on the & nbsp; border with & nbsp; Azerbaijan, Yerevan appealed to & nbsp; Moscow with & nbsp; an appeal to defend the sovereign territory of Armenia in accordance with the bilateral agreement from & nbsp; 1997, said the secretary of the country's Security Council Armen Grigoryan, reports the portal. While this is an oral statement, & nbsp; it will be followed by a formal written statement, he said. & Nbsp; half an hour before & nbsp; this Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan urged his compatriots to be ready to “ defend the Holy Motherland. ''

The conflict on the & nbsp; eastern borders of Armenia began in the afternoon on & nbsp; Tuesday, November 16 & nbsp;. It was preceded by mutual accusations of countries in & nbsp; provocations. The skirmish quickly escalated into & nbsp; full-fledged hostilities with & nbsp; armored vehicles and & nbsp; artillery. Both parties reported & nbsp; losses to each other. This is the most serious incident on the & nbsp; border of Armenia and & nbsp; Azerbaijan since the end of the 44-day war.

Zhirinovsky reproached Azerbaijani officials for not knowing the principle of freedom of speech

At & nbsp; this section of the border & nbsp; & mdash; Syunik region of Armenia and & nbsp; Kalbajar region of Azerbaijan & nbsp; & mdash; & nbsp; clashes have been going on for half a year. Constant tension here is caused by the fact that & nbsp; the Kelbajar region, which was previously controlled by the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR), after the war passed to Azerbaijan and & nbsp; where there was actually an administrative border between Armenia and & nbsp; NKR, an interstate border of two warring countries appeared.

The first serious incident here happened in & nbsp; May last year & nbsp; & mdash; then the Azerbaijani military entered the & nbsp; Black Lake region (Arm. Sev lich). Even then, Yerevan called the incident 'an encroachment on the & nbsp; sovereign territory of Armenia'; and & nbsp; asked for & nbsp; help both to & nbsp; Moscow and & nbsp; to & nbsp; CSTO & nbsp; & mdash; which it didn & nbsp; did even during last year's war.

Baku insists on & nbsp; that & nbsp; it is impossible to say exactly where the new border between the two countries is, until & nbsp; its delimitation and & nbsp; demarcation and & nbsp; here & nbsp; has been refusing to withdraw its troops from the & nbsp; area for more than six months.

The material is being added.

Alexander Atasuntsev

