Half of Russians admitted to wanting to switch to electric cars

VTsIOM: 50% of Russians would switch to electric cars

more than one of them. 33 percent do not have their own car, according to a study by VTsIOM.

If those who have a car and who drive it were given the opportunity to use other types of transport, half of the respondents would switch to an electric car, 35 percent – for a bicycle, and 14 percent wished to use an electric scooter or electric scooter.

It is also noted that in a hypothetical situation of buying a car for themselves or their family, 42 percent would choose an electric car, 46 percent would choose a car with an internal combustion engine, and five percent is neither one nor the other. Among the advantages of an electric car, respondents named environmental friendliness (83 percent), savings on expensive gasoline (14 percent) and the fact that an electric car is more profitable (11 percent).

Those who would choose a car with an internal combustion engine believe that that it is easier to refuel (36 percent) and that it is cheaper (14 percent) and more familiar (12 percent).

Since the beginning of this year, sales of electric vehicles in Russia have jumped 118 percent. At the same time, in absolute terms, the indicators are quite small. For example, in 10 months of 2021, only 845 electric vehicles were sold.

