Germany has set a condition for the certification of “Nord Stream 2”

BNetzA: to complete the Nord Stream 2 certification, a new company should be created

The German Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) has suspended the pipeline certification Nord Stream 2 until the Swiss operator of the Nord Stream 2 AG project creates a subsidiary to operate the German section, Interfax reports.

The new condition implies that the new company will become the owner and operator Nord Stream 2 in Germany. After that, BNetzA will check the correctness of filling out the resubmitted documentation from the new applicant.

When these requirements are met, the regulator will resume the examination and, in the remaining four months, will submit its opinion to the European Commission, which also has two to four months to give an answer. It is impossible to complete certification in the current form of the property, according to the agency's message.

