“Systematics”: robotization will become one of the pillars of the fourth industrial revolution
robots, think about the introduction of new technologies in production. Dmitry Butorin, head of the Directorate for work with industrial enterprises of Systematika company, described the prospects for the country's robotization in an interview with Lenta.ru within the framework of the CyberReality project.
“Robotization will become one of the pillars of Industry 4.0 (the fourth industrial revolution – approx. “Lenta.ru”) , in any case, in that part of it that will be directly tied to the industry, – predicts Butorin. “I am sure that without industrial robots one cannot speak of the onset of the fourth industrial revolution, these are two complementary phenomena.”
According to Butorin, the main advantage that robots will give the Russian industry will be flexibility in making changes technological processes. This means that you do not need to train employees to reconfigure enterprises – you just need to reprogram the robot.
At the same time, the Russian market is ready for the development of industrial robots and the expansion of the practice of their use, the expert believes. There are about 6.5 thousand such devices in the country, and according to this indicator, Russia is not among the leading countries in the world.
The coronavirus pandemic has made major adjustments to the plans of many large industrial enterprises. Those companies that have not previously thought about the economic feasibility of introducing robots in their industries are already working on projects. This is due to the fact that the business was forced to cut budgets, including for IT. It is possible that this situation will give a serious impetus to domestic developments in this area. So far, almost all industrial robots used in the country have been produced abroad
Dmitry Butorin, Head of the Directorate for Work with Industrial Enterprises of Systematica
The Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0) is a new approach to production, which implies the widespread introduction technology and artificial intelligence in industry, as well as the automation of many processes. The technologies of the fourth industrial revolution also include the Internet of things, big data, VR technologies, 3D printers, blockchain.
The CyberReality project is dedicated to how high technologies are changing the lives of Russians and humanity in general. He talks about how developments that seemed fantastic a few years ago are now providing safety, helping people in everyday life, saving lives, expanding the horizons of people with disabilities and caring for the elderly.