Almost half of the companies wanted to bring Russians back to their offices 48% of Russian companies plan to return employees from remote locations to offices

Almost half of surveyed employers (48 percent) plan to return all remote employees back to their offices after the epidemiological situation improves. This is stated in the research “” (available to “”).

About 14 percent said they want to partially return workers to their offices. 19 percent of company representatives plan to work in a hybrid format or will not change the current mode of work at all. Of those who plan to return all employees to work in the office, 27 percent intend to completely abandon the remote employment format.

About 45 percent of business representatives said that they currently work remotely less than 10 percent, and in 30 percent of firms – 10-30 percent. Another three percent indicated that they have 30-50 percent of their employees working remotely, nine percent indicated 50-75 percent, and 13 percent indicated that more than 75 percent of the state are working remotely.

In addition, 36 percent of those surveyed told that they are actively motivating employees to get vaccinated against coronavirus. Of these, 21 percent said they give employees an extra day off, five percent pay bonuses for vaccinations, and 10 percent reward employees orally. Another 26 percent are sure that it is necessary to reward workers for vaccinations, but they have not yet launched such programs. At the same time, 38 percent believe that they should not additionally motivate workers to vaccinate.

Earlier, State Duma deputy Vitaly Milonov proposed to reduce the working day in Russia by one hour in the autumn-winter period.

