The political scientist spoke about the reasons for the fall in Biden's rating

Political scientist Salin considered the fall in Biden's approval rating to be an expected process Biden. According to a study by The Washington Post and ABC television, the American leader's approval rating has dropped to its lowest level since his inauguration, with less than half of respondents (41 percent) supporting his work.

The reasons for Biden’s drop are in the basics democratic system, Salin said. “A stable democratic system is largely based on many different props, these are institutions in which personalities change as a conditional fuel, that is, the population has time to become disillusioned with one person, and another person replaces it, as a result, the political system does not collapse. and thus moving forward, “- he clarified.

The political scientist believes that the fall in the ratings of any American president in any proportion is not catastrophic, because” in the West in general, and in America in particular, everything is tied at the institute, therefore, the specific ratings of a particular person, from the point of view of the existence of a political system, are generally not so important (…), therefore, the process is quite expected and non-fatal. ”

In Russia, according to Salin, a similar drop in the approval rating the president, on the contrary, would be catastrophic, since, unlike the West, in the Russian Federation the political system is built around the personality of the head of state. “If America existed according to Russian rules, then it would be critically dangerous,” he summed up.

